Religion 5 Chapter 3
What is something in life that is a mystery to you?
What is the mystery of the Holy Trinity?
The central belief of the Christian faith; the mystery of one God in three divine Persons— God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit
The Holy Trinity is the mystery of one God in three divine Persons. Jesus taught about God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. We baptize a person in the name of God, who is the Holy Trinity.
God first revealed himself at creation to Adam and Eve. God made an everlasting Covenant with Noah. God revealed to Abraham and Sarah that he alone is God. The descendants of Abraham, the Israelites, kept faith in the one true God.
Saint Patrick used the shamrock to teach the people of Ireland about the Holy Trinity.
Create a new symbol that can be used to teach the truth of the Holy Trinity—three Divine persons in One God. Be sure to make your symbol neat and colorful. Don’t forget to put your name on the back!
What is the Holy Trinity? How did God reveal himself in the Old Testament?
The announcement to the Virgin Mary by the Angel Gabriel that God had chosen her to be the Mother of Jesus, the Son of God, through the power of the Holy Spirit
God chose Mary to be the Mother of Jesus. Mary was free from all sin from her conception and throughout her whole life. This is called the Immaculate Conception.
Discuss with your partner how you might have felt if you were in Mary’s place and the angel Gabriel appeared to you.
Throughout his life, Jesus spoke clearly of the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Abraham, Mary, and Jesus are models of faith for us. They put their faith and trust in God. With your group, brainstorm a list of people you consider to be models of faith. Be prepared to share why these people are models of faith to you.
Complete a recommendation form for someone you consider to be a model of faith.
What is the Annunciation? What is the Immaculate Conception? How has the Holy Trinity been most fully revealed?
A creed, or brief statement of the faith of the Church, written in the fourth century
Statements of belief; professions of faith
Brainstorm some ways the Church shows its belief in the Holy Trinity.
The two main creeds of the Church are the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. We profess our faith in the Holy Trinity when we pray these creeds. We can never fully understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity.
When our life on earth is completed, we will live forever with God and see God in a way we have never known before. This is the Beatific Vision and our hope as Christians.
Work with your group to complete the Apostles’ Creed puzzle.
What are the two main creeds of the Church? How can we fully understand the Holy Trinity? What is the Beatific Vision?
He lived from A.D As a young man, he turned away from God and refused to be baptized. He was converted and baptized when he was 32 years old. He became the bishop of Hippo in North Africa in 397.
What is the Holy Trinity? How was the Holy Trinity most fully revealed? How do we profess our faith in the Holy Trinity?