Web Design Terminology Unit 2 STEM
1. Accessibility – a web page or site that address the users limitations or disabilities 2. Active server page (ASP) – a Microsoft technology that is used to create dynamic content for a web page 3. Browser – a software application used to interpret HTML commands and display page content; the most popular is Internet Explorer
4. Cascading style sheets (CSS) – a mechanism for adding style (fonts, colors, spacing, etc.) to web documents 5. Frames – an HTML technique for combining two or more separate documents into a single screen 6. File transfer protocol (FTP)– one of the most common methods for transferring files over the Internet
7. Home page – it is the first page or main page of a web site 8. Hypertext markup language (HTML) – a basic markup language used for creating simple hypertext documents for the World Wide Web 9. Hyperlink – an element in an electronic document that links to another place in the same document or to an entirely new document
10. Internet – a global network connecting millions of computers 11. Internet protocol (IP) – the method by which data is sent from one computer to another on the Internet; each computer on the Internet has at least one IP address that uniquely identifies it from other computers 12. Search engine – a server (computer) or collection of servers dedicated to indexing internet web pages, storing the results in a database and returning lists of pages that match searched queries; ex. Google or Yahoo
13. Uniform resource locator (URL) – a unique address for each separate page accessible on the World Wide Web 14. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – a group established in October 1994 to help develop common protocols and promote the advancement of the World Wide Web
15. World Wide Web (WWW) – a way of accessing the vast collection of hyperlinked documents and information over the Internet 16. Tag – a HTML tag is a command written into a document that specifies how it should be formatted; a browser interprets the tags and outputs the intended command