Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze European Approaches and Methods for the Recognition of Work Based Learning at Universities Project Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Reinhard Schmidt, Università degli Studi di Firenze Consorzio E-FORM Developing European Work Based Learning approaches and methods
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze What is Work Based Learning? A modern way of creating university-level learning in the workplace Special WBL methods and facilities allow learning that occurs at, through and for work. Both employee and employer/enterprise can benefit from WBL, because WBL centers the business objectives. The work experience of employees can be recognized on an academic level, without leaving their workplace.
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze What is Work Based Learning? 1.Knowledge, skills and values are acquired through experience of work (competences) 2.In the context of LLL these can be assessed and accredited and lead to or be part of an academic degree. 3.Employer and HE institution set project and learning goals and curriculum and extra study.
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Project DEWBLAM SOKRATES/GRUNDTVIG CP IT Objectives Development of study models in European Higher Education that integrate the learning process of the work experience (WBL). Basic assumptions: Work is a process of learning (acquirement of competences) Results can be recognized and integrated into a study programme (LLL) Different educational and institutional policy circumstances Common need for WBL in Europe
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Situation Need for WBL Changes in technology and organisational sturctures require updating of competences Possibilites for the accreditation of competences (required informally or formally) Employees/citizens do not accept the lack of accreditation of prior learning Private and public organisations undergo changes towards learning organisations – improvement of performance through learning process Work Based Learning addresses to the situation
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Experiences Middlesex University National Centre for Work Based Learning Partnerships: pioneering leader in the field of work based learning in Higher Education Co-partnerships with public/private organisations Specific expertise: Innovative curriculum development Individual learning agreement with a tutor Learning agreement is agreed upon by university, students and organisation Learning process: planned and advised projects and research work Teaching materials for distance learning
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Experiences Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille Development of systems aimed at recognising, accrediting and validating of prior / experiential learning / gained formally or informally (VAP and VAE). Partnerships with organisations, professional boards, higher and further education institutions main features: Development of innovative study programs based on a professional reference, on a learning environment at work, including a strong customisation of pathways Engineering programme Ingénieur dExploitation des Systèmes de Production (Utilisation of production systems, for technical staff with work experience to obtain an academic qualification)
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Features of the Study Programme : Learning Process: Integration of professional experiences, Modules in classroom attendance and distance learning (formation en alternance) Importance of learning environment at the work place Admission procedure with analysis, assessment and recognition of all prior competences Tutorial system as support structure at the university and supervision at the work place
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Aims of the project To increase access for previously excluded adults to relevant customised Higher Education qualifications through the extensive use of accreditation of prior and experiential learning Development of a range of European models of flexible work based learning accreditation and certification systems Development of a European framework for WBL- Degrees Integration into the ECTS framework Development of programmes concerning the training of tutors and equivalent tools E-Learning and distance learning Promotion of equal opportunities
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Aims of the project Connection between university partners, individual enterprises and federations of employers Testing of new models of integration: - traditional methods of learning, - project work under supervision at the work place, - distance learning (blended learning)
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Aim of the project Beneficiaries adult learners who have hitherto been excluded of academic education due to lack of entry qualifications, resources or to the impossibility to combine leaning activities with professional commitments, in particular adults with qualified work experiences without formal access authorisation for academic education socially unprivileged adults due to gender, age, ethnicity, mobility Institutional beneficiaries: enterprises, public and private institutions, organisations
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Partnership Coordinating Institution E-Form, Rom and Florenz, Italy Società consortile a.r.l. di interesse pubblico (Consortium for public interests ) Consortium, established in 2001, consists of 12 mainly southern italian universities, including the University of Florence, public and private organisations, agencies for higher education. Innovative ways of education based on a regional and interregional level aiming at: - Reduction of competence deficits (Skills shortage) regarding the New Economy - Improvement of job perspectives for academics
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Participating Institutions: Università di Firenze, Florence, Italy (and other linked universities) Consorzio Servizi Formativi alle Imprese, Florence, Italy Katholieke Hogeschool Limburg, Belgium VIA, Belgium Fachhochschule Aachen, Germany Job Center Aachen, Germany Universidad de Granada, Spain Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, France Middlesex University, London, UK Quantum Learning Partnership Abo Akademi, Finnland Universita Karlova v Praze
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Life cycles and activities Phase 1 / Year 1 the study of relevant theoretical articles and compilation of significant practical experiences identification of a local demand regarding WBL and excisting obstacles application of existing methods of accreditation and competence analysis of work based learning Composition of a joint framework regarding WBL project web site
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Life cycles and activities Phase 2 / Year 2 local version of the European framework development of local WBL pilot programs in chosen disciplines and qualifications training of organisers and academic tutors diffusion of the new approach in the professional world and at universities accreditation testing of long distance learning and e- learning tools
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Projekt DEWBLAM Life cycles and activities Phase 3 / Year 3 consolidation of the WBL approach within the local institutional context promotion of campaigns which support the substainability development of a multicultural WBL-model development of a multilingual guide self-financed study courses dissemination of results through publications / closing meetings
Project Coordinator: Professor Dr. Reinhard Schmidt / Università degli Studi di Firenze Work Based Learning Project DEWBLAM Results New possibilities to qualify for an academic degree while staying in employment – in particular: innovative European model; platform of modularised WBL programs, defined through competences and credit points (ECTS) tools and methods for accreditation of prior learning and learning by experiences, adjusted to WBL by the use of ECTS on LLL implementation of pilot models of the WBL approach against various European backgrounds training for lecturers and tutors; guide public relations website