Approximation Algorithms Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Drexel University
Today’s Lecture: Simple Algorithm for Bin-Packing Maximum Cut Approximation algorithm for graph coloring Approximation algorithm for set cover
The Bin-Packing Problem: INSTANCE: Finite set I of rational numbers {a 1,…,a n } with a i (0,1] SOLUTION: Partition {B 1,…,B k } of I into k bins such that the sum of the numbers in each bin is at most 1 MEASURE: Cardinality of the partition, i.e., k
The Algorithm: Polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for MINIMUM BIN PACKING (Next Fit algorithm) begin for each number a if a fits into the last open bin then assign a to this bin else open new bin and assign a to this bin return f end.
Theorem: Number of bins used by the algorithm is at most 2A, where A is the sum of all numbers. Proof: For each pair of consecutive bins, the sum of the number included in these two bins is greater than 1. Each feasible solution uses at least A bins Best case each bin is full (i.e., the sum of its numbers is 1). Performance ratio is at most 2.
Tightness: Let I={1/2,1/2n,1/2,1/2n,…,1/2,1/2n} contain 4n items.
Maximum Cut: INSTANCE: Graph G=(V,E) SOLUTION: Partition of V into disjoint sets V 1 and V 2 MEASURE: Cardinality of the cut, i.e., the number of edges with one endpoint in V 1 and one endpoint in V 2
The Algorithm: Polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for MAXIMUM CUT begin V 1 :=ø; repeat if exchanging one node between V 1 and V 2 =V- V 1 improves the cut then perform the exchange; until a local optimum is reached; return f end.
Theorem: We prove that any local optimum contains at least half of the m edges Notation: c= # of edges of the cut i= # of edges inside V 1 o= # of edges outside V 1 m=c+i+o, that is, i+o=m-c For any node v, i(v)= # of edges between v and a node in V 1 o(v)= # of edges between v and a node not in V 1
Proof: V 1 is a local optimum: for any v V 1, i(v)-o(v) 0 and, for any v not in V 1, o(v)-i(v) 0. Summing over all nodes in V 1, we have 2i-c 0 Summing over all nodes not in V 1, we have 2o-c 0 That is, i+o-c 0 That is, m-2c 0 That is, c m/2
Graph Vertex Coloring: Given a graph G=(V,E), on n vertices and m edges, find a mapping from vertex set to k-colors such that no two end- points of an edge will receive the same color. The Decision problem: Given an instance of GVC, and an integer k*, is it possible to k* color the vertices of the graph? Optimization problem: Given an instance of GVC, find the smallest possible value for k*, for which a vertex coloring of G exists. Input-dependent Optimization problem: Same assumptions as optimization version, except we would like to use as few colors as possible to find the actual mapping.
The Algorithm: The following is a polynomial-time n/logn-approximation algorithm for MINIMUM GRAPH COLORING begin i:=0; U:=V; while U ø do begin i:=i+1;V[i]:=ø;W:=U;H:=graph induced by W; while W ø do begin v=node of minimum degree in H; insert v inV[i]; delete v and its neighbors from W; U:=U-V[i] end end.
What is the Algorithm doing? During each iteration, we will look at the left over from the graph U (initially U denotes the vertex set of G) and try to use a new colors to color a sub graph W. Once we are done with sub-graph W, it will be removed from the graph, i.e. the graph is shrinking after this step, (U=U-V[i]). But we will need to use new colors for the rest of U. The inner loop will identify all vertices receiving a particular color “i”. The outer-loop will identify number of required colors for whole G.
Performance Guarantee: To begin with, if we know the graph is k-colorable, and we show the algorithm uses at most 3|V|/log k |V| colors: At any iteration of the inner loop, H the induced graph on vertex set W is k-colorable (since the whole graph is k- colorable). By pigenwhole principle, it contains an independent set of at least |W|/k nodes of degree at most |W|(k-1)/k. As a result at least |W|/k nodes will be carried to next iteration of inner loop, i.e., during j-the iteration of inner loop the size of the set is at least |W|/k j. Consequently, there is at least log k |W| iterations for inner loop, i.e. |V[i]| is at least log k |U|
Continued: Observe that U is a shirking set, starts with the whole V and eventually becomes empty. At each step, the size of U goes down by at least log k |U| (the vertices receiving color i). During the iterations for which |U| |V|/log k |V|, we have log k |U| (1 /2)log k |V|. As a result the first time |U| < |V|/log k |V| we have only used at most 2|V|/log k |V| in outer-loop. To color the left-over |V|/log k |V|,we will use at most |V|/log k |V| new color. The is the algorithm uses at most 3|V|/log k |V| colors for G.
Finally: The algorithms uses 3n/log opt n, that is equal to 3n log OPT /log n. The perfoamnce gurantee of the algorithm is: 3n/log n.
Minimum Set-Cover: INSTANCE: Collection C of subsets of a finite set S. SOLUTION: A set cover for S, i.e., a subset C’ of C such that every element in S belongs to at least one member of C’ MEASURE: |C’|
Johnson’s algorithm : Polynomial-time logarithmic approximation algorithm for MINIMUM SET COVER begin U:=S; C’:=ø; for any c i do c’ i := c i ; repeat i:=index of c’ with maximum cardinality; insert c i in C’; U := U-{elements of c’ i }; delete all elements of c i from all c’; until U:=ø end.
Performance Guarantee: We prove that the performance ratio of the algorithm is at most ∑ 1 i k (1/i) where k is the maximum cardinality of the sets in C Let a 1,...,a |C’| be the sequence of indices obtained by the algorithm Let c j i be the surviving part of c i before index a j has been chosen The intersection of c i and c j a j is equal to c j i - c j+1 i l i denote largest index j such that c j i is not empty
Theorem 1: For any i, H (| c i |) 1 j | C’ | (| c i c j a j |/| c j a j |) where H(n) = 1 i n (1/ i ). Proof:
Theorem 2: For any set cover C’’, c i C’’ 1 j |C’| (| c i c j a j |/| c j a j |) | C’ | Proof: