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Essential Question: Identify significant individuals and events concerning Texas in the Civil War
Union & Confederacy in 1861
The 3 Strategies to Union victory o Invade Virginia and capture Richmond, the Southern Confederate capital o Gain control of the Mississippi River o Blockade all southern ports
Union (North/Yankees) Large population – 22 million people Huge factories 75% of railroads Bigger Navy
Confederacy (South/Rebels) Fighting a defensive war Superior military leaders Better soldier skills Highly motivated
The Confederate Congress passed the Conscription Act that required men b/w the ages of 18 and 35 to serve in the Confederate military. However, the act excused some people allowing the hiring of substitutes. Young “Johnny Reb” ready for war
A Unionist is a person who supported the Union during the Civil War 2,000 Texas Unionists 50 were African American soldiers African American Texan Milton Holland was rewarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery on the battlefield.
Mexican-Americans served on both sides of the war. Most joined the Union because of pay and their stance against slavery Confederate vigilantes hanged about 40 Unionists in Gainesville, TX in early 1860s.
State’s busiest seaport Cotton is shipped through Mexican waters and sold to England and France Union ships capture port in Oct CSA led by John B. Magruder retakes port in Jan Union gunboat docked at Galveston port
Texas-Mexico Trade Routes Texas was economically important to the Confederacy because the Confederacy was able to conduct foreign trade through Mexico by way of Texas.
The CSA Davis Guards led by Dick Dowling turned back the Union invasion of Texas when they took 350 Union soldiers prisoner and captured 2 ships. Very important victory for the Confederacy. "There is no parallel in ancient or modern warfare to the victory of Dowling and his men at Sabine Pass considering the great odds against which they had to contend" President Jefferson Davis The Battle of Sabine Pass Sept. 8, 1863
May 1865: Confederate forces led by John S. Ford defeat Union troops in Texas at Palmito Ranch – the final land battle of the war. The Confederates did NOT know Lee had surrendered a month earlier! They were informed by Union prisoners of the news!
April 9, 1865: Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee surrendered to U.S. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse; ends the war. The North’s victory in the Civil War meant the Union was preserved.
On April 14 (five days after Appomattox), an actor and southern sympathizer named John Wilkes Booth assassinated President Lincoln in Ford’s Theater in Washington D.C. As a result of this tragic event, the whole nation grieved together.
Ford’s Theater (April 14, 1865)
The Assassination
The Execution of the Conspirators
As a result of the South’s surrender, the Texas state government collapsed due to lack of leadership. Governor Pendleton Murrah fled to Mexico to escape Union troops. This action resulted in Texas being lawless for a brief period of time. The United States will now enter the period of time called Reconstruction