Steering Group Meeting 10:30 – 12:30 am CDT Monday, July 23, 2007 Y2K.


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Presentation transcript:

Steering Group Meeting 10:30 – 12:30 am CDT Monday, July 23, 2007 Y2K

Roadmap Example ILC – Fermilab’s Highest Priority sNuMI Construction Project X Construction In all scenarios: LHC Upgrade, Higher Energy Colliders R&D, Particle Astrophysics (Dark Matter, Dark Energy) Branch Point ILC R&D ILC Decision, Engineering, Industrialization, Construction + Running sNuMI Running ILC Decision and Construction Project X Running Funding Cycle ILC Industrialization, Large system test

Another Roadmap Example ILC – Fermilab’s Highest Priority Project X Construction ILC R&D ILC Decision, Engineering, Industrialization, Construction + Running Running SCRF Linac R&D, Engineering, Industrialization, Large system test Project X R&D, Engineering In all scenarios: LHC Upgrade, Higher Energy Colliders R&D, Particle Astrophysics (Dark Matter, Dark Energy) sNuMI Construction ILC R&D ILC Decision, Engineering, Industrialization, Construction + Running sNuMI Running Note that sNuMI and Project X plans are detached from the ILC timeline.

sNuMI vs. Project X Physics Opportunities –Neutrino, Flavor –sNuMI – great for near term goals –Project X – greater physics opportunities, stage to next facilities Constructions –M&S: sNuMI is much cheaper –Human Resources: Project X requires much more but should be done by a large collaboration with National and International collaborations Operations –Expect running Project X to be easier and cheaper than sNuMI (30+ year old facilities) and to require less people Project X – advancing ILC –Technology toward cheaper ways, Fermilab’s preparation for ILC –Concerns: international perception about FNAL and US’s commitment on ILC Project X – step toward possible future facilities –Beam to DUSEL, energy frontier beyond ILC/LHC

Possible Opportunities with Project X

8 GeV H - Linac with ILC Beam parameters (9mA x 1msec x 5Hz) 200 kW at 8 GeV for flavor physics Stripping Foil 8 GeV Recycler 3 linac pulses / fill 120 GeV Main Injector 1.4 sec cycle >2 MW at 120 GeV for neutrino physics Properties of Project X Initially NOvA Possibly DUSEL later ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC

Project X NuMI (NOvA) sNuMI NuMI (MINOS) Properties of Project X: Proton Beam Power Inject into Main Injector with Main Injector Upgrade

Physics Opportunities: Neutrino Frontier Masses, Mixings, and CP Violation sin 2 2  13 (mixing) 3  sensitivity –MINOS ~ large, Double Chooz ~ 0.05 Future sin 2 2  13 experiments and Facility needs for Mass Ordering and CP Violation Very long baseline program with higher power proton source for CP Violation and mass ordering Very long baseline  program with higher power proton source for CP Violation and mass ordering neutrino factory for very small sin 2 2  13 measurements NOvA, T2K Daya Bay (NOvA is sensitive to mass ordering for currently allowed  13 ) Project X + Muon capture/cooling + Muon Storage Ring

Physics Opportunities: Precision Frontier Precision measurements involving muons and kaons provide exciting discovery potential for the coming decades, independent of the nature of LHC discoveries. –Muons converting to electrons –Rare kaon decays: K +   +, K 0  , K +   e CP Violation in Beyond Standard Model Energy scale > 1000 TeV 3000 TeV scale Supersymmetric models predict R μe ~ for weak scale SUSY

Benefit to ILC Same as ILC: –36 Cryomodules –RF distribution –Cryogeic distribution –Beam parameters Cryomodule Industrialization –ILC RDR Regional Profile Doubling time = ~1 year Year 1: 3 cryomodules / year Year 4: 25 cryomodules / year –Advancing technology Find cheaper ways to produce in large quantities ~7 GeV e - Linac with ILC Beam parameters (9mA x 1msec x 5Hz) ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC

Tevatron Ring Benefit to ILC Preassemble and test the ILC Damping Ring (during the ILC construction) ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC ~7 GeV e - Linac with ILC Beam parameters (9mA x 1msec x 5Hz)

Muon Storage Ring First Stage of Future World Facilities DUSEL neutrino beam  Capture / Cooling ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC

First Stage of Future World Facilities Muon Collider Muon Acceleration  Capture / Cooling 4 km ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC

Vehicle for National & International Collaboration 8 GeV H - Linac with ILC Beam parameters (9mA x 1msec x 5Hz) 0  0.12 GeV –Modest increase from current 60 MeV R&D program –Collaboration with ANL, BNL, LBNL 0.12  ~1 GeV Linac –Potential strong international collaboration (e.g. India) ~1  8 GeV ILC-like to ILC Linac –SLAC, Cornell, ANL, JLab, … –DESY, KEK, TRIUMP, … ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC