Steering Group Meeting 10:30 – 12:30 am CDT Monday, July 23, 2007 Y2K
Roadmap Example ILC – Fermilab’s Highest Priority sNuMI Construction Project X Construction In all scenarios: LHC Upgrade, Higher Energy Colliders R&D, Particle Astrophysics (Dark Matter, Dark Energy) Branch Point ILC R&D ILC Decision, Engineering, Industrialization, Construction + Running sNuMI Running ILC Decision and Construction Project X Running Funding Cycle ILC Industrialization, Large system test
Another Roadmap Example ILC – Fermilab’s Highest Priority Project X Construction ILC R&D ILC Decision, Engineering, Industrialization, Construction + Running Running SCRF Linac R&D, Engineering, Industrialization, Large system test Project X R&D, Engineering In all scenarios: LHC Upgrade, Higher Energy Colliders R&D, Particle Astrophysics (Dark Matter, Dark Energy) sNuMI Construction ILC R&D ILC Decision, Engineering, Industrialization, Construction + Running sNuMI Running Note that sNuMI and Project X plans are detached from the ILC timeline.
sNuMI vs. Project X Physics Opportunities –Neutrino, Flavor –sNuMI – great for near term goals –Project X – greater physics opportunities, stage to next facilities Constructions –M&S: sNuMI is much cheaper –Human Resources: Project X requires much more but should be done by a large collaboration with National and International collaborations Operations –Expect running Project X to be easier and cheaper than sNuMI (30+ year old facilities) and to require less people Project X – advancing ILC –Technology toward cheaper ways, Fermilab’s preparation for ILC –Concerns: international perception about FNAL and US’s commitment on ILC Project X – step toward possible future facilities –Beam to DUSEL, energy frontier beyond ILC/LHC
Possible Opportunities with Project X
8 GeV H - Linac with ILC Beam parameters (9mA x 1msec x 5Hz) 200 kW at 8 GeV for flavor physics Stripping Foil 8 GeV Recycler 3 linac pulses / fill 120 GeV Main Injector 1.4 sec cycle >2 MW at 120 GeV for neutrino physics Properties of Project X Initially NOvA Possibly DUSEL later ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC
Project X NuMI (NOvA) sNuMI NuMI (MINOS) Properties of Project X: Proton Beam Power Inject into Main Injector with Main Injector Upgrade
Physics Opportunities: Neutrino Frontier Masses, Mixings, and CP Violation sin 2 2 13 (mixing) 3 sensitivity –MINOS ~ large, Double Chooz ~ 0.05 Future sin 2 2 13 experiments and Facility needs for Mass Ordering and CP Violation Very long baseline program with higher power proton source for CP Violation and mass ordering Very long baseline program with higher power proton source for CP Violation and mass ordering neutrino factory for very small sin 2 2 13 measurements NOvA, T2K Daya Bay (NOvA is sensitive to mass ordering for currently allowed 13 ) Project X + Muon capture/cooling + Muon Storage Ring
Physics Opportunities: Precision Frontier Precision measurements involving muons and kaons provide exciting discovery potential for the coming decades, independent of the nature of LHC discoveries. –Muons converting to electrons –Rare kaon decays: K + +, K 0 , K + e CP Violation in Beyond Standard Model Energy scale > 1000 TeV 3000 TeV scale Supersymmetric models predict R μe ~ for weak scale SUSY
Benefit to ILC Same as ILC: –36 Cryomodules –RF distribution –Cryogeic distribution –Beam parameters Cryomodule Industrialization –ILC RDR Regional Profile Doubling time = ~1 year Year 1: 3 cryomodules / year Year 4: 25 cryomodules / year –Advancing technology Find cheaper ways to produce in large quantities ~7 GeV e - Linac with ILC Beam parameters (9mA x 1msec x 5Hz) ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC
Tevatron Ring Benefit to ILC Preassemble and test the ILC Damping Ring (during the ILC construction) ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC ~7 GeV e - Linac with ILC Beam parameters (9mA x 1msec x 5Hz)
Muon Storage Ring First Stage of Future World Facilities DUSEL neutrino beam Capture / Cooling ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC
First Stage of Future World Facilities Muon Collider Muon Acceleration Capture / Cooling 4 km ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC
Vehicle for National & International Collaboration 8 GeV H - Linac with ILC Beam parameters (9mA x 1msec x 5Hz) 0 0.12 GeV –Modest increase from current 60 MeV R&D program –Collaboration with ANL, BNL, LBNL 0.12 ~1 GeV Linac –Potential strong international collaboration (e.g. India) ~1 8 GeV ILC-like to ILC Linac –SLAC, Cornell, ANL, JLab, … –DESY, KEK, TRIUMP, … ~1 GeV 8 GeV ILC-like ILC