6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting1 ANKOS Anatolian University Libraries Consortium Bülent KARASÖZEN Middle East Technical University
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting2 Consortium Growth
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting3 Consortium Growth cont. # of licensed databases in 2002: 239 # of licensed databases in 2002: 419 Growth rate % 75 # of full text downloads in 2001: # of full text downloads in 2002: % 65 increase
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting4 Current Databases
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting5 Current Databases Cont.
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting6 Distribution of databases among the members # databases # members < > 15 2 Average # of databases: 5.4
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting7 New databases & trials
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting8 > 1.5m USDState: 4Private: 1 750K-1.5m USDState: 5Private: 2 375K-750K USDState: 6Private: 1 150K-375K USDState: 17Private: 11 < 150K USDState: 21Private: 4 Library Budgetsin 2002
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting9 FTEs – State vs Private Univ Less than 2,500State: 3Private: 14 2,500-10,000State: 14 Private: 4 11,000-20,000State: 14Private: 1 21,000-30,000State: 11 31,000-50,000State: 7 Over 50,000State: 4
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting10 Turkish Universities with English Curriculum State Universities with English Curriculum Number of universities: 15 Number of students: (% 6) Private Universities with English Curriculum Number of universities: 13 Number of students: (% 95)
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting11 English Curriculum # of universities with English curriculum –State: 15* Private: 13 *Most have only partial English curriculum (i.e. only 30% of courses taught in English) # of students taking courses taught in English: –State: 59,428 (6%) Private: 43,373 (95%)
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting12
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting13 Changing Patterns of Usage Period Print Electronic % 99.7 % % 61.2 % % 20.8 % 79.5 Tenopir, King, Boyce, et.al. D-Lib Magazine May 2003
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting14 Growth of Number of Publications
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting15 Number of Publications of Turkish Universities and Research Institutions in 2002 # Institutions # articles 21 < > 500
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting16 ANKOS Structure - 6 ANKOS Members ANKOS Steering Committee ANKOS Contact Persons ANKOS Partners: Suppliers ANKOS Center Users: Faculty Students Administrators
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting17 Organization 9 Steering Committee members 24 Database Contact Librarians from 12 universities for 31 databases Licensing Working Group Usage Statistics Working Group User Education Working Group
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting18 Memberships ICOLC, E-ICOLC SELL SPARC
6-7 June 20033rd International ANKOS Meeting19 Tasks, issues Instabilities of Turkish economy New rules and conditions (new bidding law) Management of the consortium More advertisement User education Evaluation of the benefits Technical Infrastructure