Great Britain Still the most stable nation in Europe – Keeps increasing the number of male voters – Continues to make social and political reforms Queen Victoria comes to power in 1837 and rules until 1901 – Known as the Victorian Age and was a time of economic growth and political changes that made the country more democratic
Women’s suffrage movement – Suffragettes = people who worked to achieve voting rights for women – Started out by lobbying Parliament, were ignored Then used destructive tactics, such as breaking windows and arson to gain attention – Women gained the right to vote in 1918 Irish Potato famine of 1846 – One million starved to death, another 1.5 million left the country, most emigrated to the U.S. – 1860s the Irish began to fight for independence and home rule
France 1848 – Second French Republic established with Louis- Napoleon as president – 1852 Louis-Napoleon uses a plebiscite, asking the people for the restoration of the empire – 97% respond with a yes and he takes the title Napoleon III and proclaims the Second French Empire Second French Empire – controlled the army, police, gov’t, and limited civil rights – Rebuilds and modernizes Paris – widens the streets so the army can put down revolts
France – The Empire collapses when France loses the Franco-Prussian War France is left in chaos, which leads to a brief civil war and fighting in the streets of Paris 25,000 die in one week and the provisional gov’t executes another 20,000 A new constitution creates the Third Republic – Dreyfus Affair – a Jewish army captain is falsely accused and imprisoned for giving military secrets to the Germans Turns out is was a Catholic officer – shows the extent of French anti-Semitism
Austrian Empire – Compromise of 1867 – creates the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary Austria creates this due to weakness following the loss in the Austro-Prussian war Austria and Hungary each have their own constitution, parliament, and capital Austria = Vienna and Hungary = Budapest Franz Joseph rules both areas – He ignores the gov’t system and does what he wants Did not satisfy other nationalities desire for independence
Russia More rural and agricultural than industrial – The czar is a divine right monarch with unlimited power who rules using secret police and repression Defeat in the Crimean War leads Czar Alexander II to make serious reforms – 1861 Alexander issues an emancipation edict which frees the serfs Emancipation = the act of setting free – A group of radicals assassinate him in 1881 His son Alexander III ends the reforms Pogrom – widespread violent attacks on Jewish people – Mobs start attacking Jews, killing them, and taking their property
Nicholas II begins his rule in 1894 and begins rapid industrialization – pitiful working and living conditions for the Russian people – Socialist parties develop, following the theories of Karl Marx One Marxist leader, Vladimir Lenin, calls for the overthrow of the czar 1904 Russia goes to war against Japan and loses – people are upset
“Bloody Sunday” – January 22, 1905 – Thousands of workers go to the czar’s palace in St.Petersburg to present a list of grievances to the czar, want better working conditions Troops open fire on the peaceful demonstration, killing hundreds workers go on strike and students to riot in the streets Nicholas creates the Duma (legislative assembly) to end the strike and promises to make the government more democratic – However the reforms are short-lived and the czar takes away the Duma’s power – He will use the army to rule and the Black Hundreds = Russian nationalists who persecute anyone who is against the car
Italy Unified, but little sense of unity, problems between the north and south – Industrialized and rich north – Poverty-stricken south The Catholic Church refuses to recognize Italy as a legitimate nation and the pope prohibits Catholics from voting in elections
Germany After unification Germany prospered and became the strongest military and industrial power in Europe – Known as the Second Reich, or empire – Bismarck works to keep Germany from becoming a republic Bismarck viewed France as a threat and his greatest fear was that France and Russia would form a military alliance – Made alliances with Austria-Hungary, Russia, and Italy to protect against this – was also on good terms with Great Britain – has isolated France – Emperor Wilhelm II comes to power in 1888 He fires Bismarck and begins to alienate Russia and Great Britain
Ottoman Empire Called the “Sick Old Man of Europe: – Empire is slowly dying and weak Will cease to exist when it loses World War I
United States Expansion of the United States – 1803 buys the Louisiana Purchase from France which doubled the size of the U.S. – Monroe Doctrine – declared that the Americas were off-limits to further European colonization – Settlers in Texas rebel against Mexico and achieve independence – Mexican-American War( ) over Texas being admitted as a state and other disputes U.S. wins and gains land in the Southwest – Manifest destiny = Americans have the God-given right to expand and settle all land to the Pacific ocean
– Indian Removal Act of 1830 called for the removal of all Native Americans to Indian Territory Trail of Tears – the Cherokee march to Indian Territory was deadly and ¼ die along the way American Civil War is fought from 1861 to 1865 over the issue of states rights – One of these is the issue of slavery Abolitionism = movement to end slavery Emancipation Proclamation in 1863
– Southern states secede (withdraw) from the U.S. and form their own gov’t – The north fights back and the country is reunited Between the U.S. becomes an industrial power with a foreign empire – Annexes Hawaii in 1898 and gains Samoa – 1898 defeats Spain in the Spanish-American War gains Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines Filipinos are angry and want independence and one Filipino even assassinates President McKinley
Conclusion Progress had been made towards establishing constitutions, parliaments, and individual liberties Political democracy was characterized by universal male suffrage and ministerial responsibility