Panel: Future of Lustre Paul Buerger HPC User Forum San Diego CA September 7, 2011
Panel Members Peter Bojanic, Xyratex Bob Ciotti, NASA Ames Brent Gorda, Whamcloud John Josephakis, Data Direct Networks Tommy Minyard, TACC Norman Morse, OpenSFS Stephen Simms, Indiana University
Lustre Past 1999 Lustre project started at CMU 2001 Cluster File Systems founded 2003 Lustre 1.0 released by CFS 2007 CFS acquired by Sun 2010 Sun acquired by Oracle 2011 Oracle “kicks Lustre to the curb”
Question 1 What do you like best/least about Lustre?
Question 2 What does Lustre need for broader adoption? Scalability? Metadata performance? Ease of use? Management? Other?
Question 3 Are there alternatives that might convince you to move away from Lustre in the future?
Question 4 Will there be one true Lustre? That is, will the development model follow Unix (AIX/HP- UX/Solaris...), or Linux(RedHat/SuSE/Ubuntu...), or...
Question 5 What is your vision for the future of Lustre and/or what should the audience take away from this afternoon's discussion?