Exploring Language Come in and clear desks- copy homework, take out notebooks, 1 st block read silently. Agendas- Copy- Quiz tomorrow- vocabulary and Figurative Language Study vocabulary words
Warm Up: Use simile, metaphor, personification, or hyperbole to describe three of the objects below.
Homework Quiz tomorrow- vocabulary and Figurative Language Study vocabulary words
h?v=xe4_3EAaLJ8 Watch the short video and complete new facts about similes and metaphors 2-unanswered questions about similes and metaphors 1- overall summary of the video
Poetry Figurative Language Hunt Use the poems in your text book to complete the chart. Each center will have a different poem to complete a different line. Work with your groups to earn bonus tickets and rewards. Technology: Use your technology to look up any unknown words in the poem or background knowledge before you read. Remember the expectations for centers
Figurative Language Simile: She shines bright like a diamond- She does her own thing. Metaphor: a heart of a lion- no fear, courage, brave Hyperbole: He is taller than a giant.- 6’2 very tall Personification: The sunlight danced across my window- shined through brightly
Center One Use the chart to analyze the poem: Like Bookends Page 583
Center Two Use the chart to analyze the poem: The Village Blacksmith Page 596
Center Three Use the chart to analyze the poem: Change Page 604
Center Four Use the chart to analyze the poem: Night Journey Page 618
Center Five Use the chart to analyze the poem: Is the moon tired? Page 631
Center Six Use the chart to analyze the poem: I’m Nobody Who are you? Page 630
Center Seven Use the chart to analyze the poem: Mooses Page
Ticket Out Why do we use figurative language? What are the benefits of FL?