Copyright © 2015 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized commercial reproduction of this slide is prohibited Supplemental PowerPoint Slides Safety and Efficacy of One-Stage Spinal Osteotomy for Severe and Rigid Congenital Scoliosis Associated with Split Spinal Cord Malformation Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Xijng Hospital The Fourth Military Medical University Bo Chen, Zhi Yuan, Michael S, Jing-Hui Huang, Hui-Ren Tao
Study Design We retrospectively evaluate the safety and efficacy of one-stage spinal osteotomy in the treatment of 29 severe and progressive congenital scoliosis
we found that 1.In severe and rigid scoliosis associated with type I SSCM, single-stage surgery including bony septum excision and subsequent major spinal osteotomy seems to be effective without increasing the rate of surgical complications. 2.In severe and rigid congenital scoliosis associated with type II SSCM, prophylactic neurological intervention is unnecessary prior to correction via spinal osteotomy. 3.Single-stage bony septum excision and three-column osteotomy is associated with longer operating times and greater blood loss.