The World Health Organization and Trauma A Learning Module NURS 4910 April 21, 2010 Cecily Montgomery, RN, BSN menu
Menu Learning Goals Required Readings Learning Activity 1 Learning Activity 2 Learning Activity 3 Learning Activity 4 Summary 1/1 this count tells you how many slides are in each section You may click each menu item to go to that section of the presentation or you may advance through the slides in a linear fashion. If you click the “menu” button at the bottom of each slide you will be returned to this slide.
Learning Goals Describe the importance of the World Health Organization and the WHO constitution to your role as a nurse. Analyze the impact of disasters on healthcare infrastructure. Assess WHO website for usefulness as an information source. Apply learning about essential trauma services to develop a tool to evaluate a trauma service. 1/1menu
Required Readings WHO Constitution, pp. 1-3 WHO Constitution Mock, C, Lormand, J. D., Goosen, J., Joshipura, M., & Peden M. (2004). Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care. Geneva: World Health Organization. Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care – pdf pdf You may read these now but they are also integrated within their complementary learning activities. 1/1menu
Learning Activity 1 Explore the WHO Website 1) Read the WHO Constitution introduction and articles 1-3 (pp. 1-3).WHO Constitution According to the WHO constitution, “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.” – Consider the impact of this perspective on the goals of the WHO and your role as a nurse. 1/2menu
Learning Activity 1 Explore the WHO Website 2) Browse through each of the major sections of the WHO website (found on the left side of the home page) and take note of helpful or intriguing resources/information.WHO website Try to find answers to these questions: – About WHO: What is the WHO? – Countries: What countries can become members of WHO and how? – Publications: What publication(s) could provide helpful information for the WHO Trauma Essentials Strategic Plan paper? – Data and Statistics: Take note of the many different stats resources here. 2/2menu
Learning Activity 2 World Health Day 2009 Video Watch the video Make Hospitals Safe in Emergencies (9:51). Reflect on the following prompts as you watch:Make Hospitals Safe in Emergencies – How are hospitals affected by local disasters? What about healthcare services? …Healthcare workers? – According the video, how was Mexico affected by an emergency/disaster? – What was Mexico’s response to the emergency/disaster? – Consider how this information is helpful to you as you begin to think about the WHO Trauma Essentials Strategic Plan paper. 1/1menu
Learning Activity 3 The WHO in Mexico In the Countries section of the website, find the Mexico profile and explore, looking for information that might be helpful as you prepare for the trip.Countries Go to the Who Statistical Information System and look at Mexico statistics and any other country statistics or data sets of interest to you.Who Statistical Information System 1/1menu
Learning Activity 4 Explore the WHO document Read Guidelines for Essential Trauma CareGuidelines for Essential Trauma Care – Eventually you should take the opportunity to read this entire document. However, for this activity you may focus on the follow sections: Skim section 1 (pp. 1-2) Read sections 2-3 (pp. 3-12) – Look closely at subsections 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 Skim sections 4 & 5 Review section 4 enough that you will understand the tables in section 5. In section 5, focus on the areas of most interest to you. Read subsection 6.7 (pp ) 1/3menu
Learning Activity 4 Explore the WHO document Consider the following questions as you read: How are the values of the WHO Constitution demonstrated in these guidelines? Are they? How are the goals of the Essential Trauma Care Project applied throughout the guidelines? What are some of the challenges of meeting both physical resource needs and process needs? What is the benefit of building on existing foundations of healthcare delivery to improve quality of care and patient outcomes? How does the evidence in subsection 2.5 support the proposed guidelines? How can you use the information provided in section 5 to develop an evaluation tool of trauma healthcare services? 2/3menu
Learning Activity 4 Explore the WHO document Assignment: From section 5 of the Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care, select one of the subsections (5.1, 5.2, & 5.3). Create a tool that you could use to evaluate a trauma service with during your trip to Mexico City. This tool can be anything that helps you evaluate the trauma service (it might be a checklist, a rubric, a diagram, etc.). Eventually, you will want to expand the tool to include the other areas of the guidelines but for this assignment, only focus on the one area you select (of 5.1, 5.2, or 5.3). Your work should demonstrate baccalaureate level effort in critical thinking, organization and grammar. 3/3menu
Summary What are the Big Ideas? – The WHO is a global organization that plans for and promotes health for all. – The WHO is a reliable resource for information on a variety of health topics. – Planning is essential to mitigate the effects of disasters and/or emergencies on communities. – Guidelines for Essential Trauma Care is a comprehensive and reliable document with which to evaluate and improve healthcare services. 1/1menu