No Student Left Behind Using Differentiated Instruction to enhance the classroom By: Roy CurrieEDU602
What is Differentiate Instruction?
Differentiate Instruction Provides students of different abilities multiple assignments that designed to help them learn Allows the teacher to assess students individual abilities Gives the students a choice to help them learn Uses learning centers to promote learning Allows for every student is tailored to Uses peer teaching to help students learn from each other Gives every student an opportunity to excel
My Role As the Teacher A Coach: Helping the students grow and succeed using practice, drills, and assignments A Motivator: Motivating the students through instruction that will help the students see their potential A Designer: Designing learning opportunities for all students A Learner: Learning the students strengths and weaknesses, applying it their lessons and activities A Monitor: Monitoring each students learning
Your Role as a Parent Be involved in your students learning Learn with them Show your students how important learning is Listen to them Support them Note: Differentiated Instructed is instruction that designed to help each student, please do not feel as though they are getting more work than others, the students need to struggle to learn and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to come to me.
The success of education depends on adapting teaching to individual differences among learners. - Yeuzheng, 4th Century BC Chinese Treatise, Xue Ji Assessment always has more to do with helping students grow than with cataloging their mistakes. (Tomlinson, 1999, p.11). "A school for all kinds of minds will not label its students." - Dr. Mel Levine, founder of All Kinds of Minds Institute