Community Mobilization
Community Awareness & Participation Imparting Elementary education by community ownership of the school system Imparting Elementary education by community ownership of the school system RTE promotes pro-active Community Participation SSA-RTE aims at enhanced and active participation of community, parents, teacher & Children. This is possible through making community aware of Child entitlements as per RTE Act. Up to 0.5% of district outlay may be utilized for community participation and mobilization campaign. management cost and community mobilization together does not exceed 4% of the total outlay. Documentation of Activities undertaken and its sharing.
School Management Committee (SMC) A body mandated by RTE Act, to be formed at School level. Members to be Parents/Guardians, PRI representatives, Teachers and in some cases Students also. Proportionate representation of Parents/Guardians of children belonging to disadvantaged groups/weaker section. Capacity Building of SMC members to make them aware of their responsibility. 4-6 members to participate so that all members receive one round of training every two years. States need to periodically commission independent evaluation of the impact of the training. Sharing of correct figures with respect to existing SMC.