Picture or Art work depicting Alexander the Great. (Battle of Issus!) Make sure you cite the source of your picture. Write a paragraph explaining the picture of the Battle of Issus and its importance. Talk about the picture. Focus on the details of the pictures and what they show/what can be learned. (8 – 10 sentences min.) Free Choice- Focus on Creativity Examples: Songs, Poems, Diary Entry, Skit Script, Quiz **This should inform about Alexander’s life from birth to death! List 3 of Alexander’s top accomplishments and explain each 5 sentences per accomplishment). Picture or Art work depicting Alexander the Great. (Primary Source!) Make sure you cite the source of your picture. Explain what it is & when made. ple/Alexander/ Select a picture of a Greek Accomplishment. Make sure you cite the source of your picture. (Primary Source!) Explain what it is and when it was made. Note: These should be unrelated to a philosopher List 3 Greek accomplishments and explain each 5 sentences per accomplishment). Tie them back to modern culture. Note: These should be Greek accomplishments and unrelated to a philosopher. Free Choice-Focus on Creativity: Same as above for choices. **This should inform about a philosopher’s life – Socrates, Plato or Aristotle** Also, include their personal philosophies and what they taught. Website: Class code: __________________ User Name: __________________
Honors Blendspace Project Example Helper! These examples would show what “A” explanations would look like.
Primary Source Example This mosaic depicts Alexander fighting the Persian king during the Battle of Issus. It was found in the "House of the Faun" in Pompeii, Italy and created c. 100 BC. It is now housed in the Naples National Architecture Museum.
Primary Source Example This mosaic (created c. 100 BCE) depicts Alexander fighting the Persian king during the Battle of Issus.
Accomplishment Example You will need 3 Greek Accomplishments ( )and 3 Accomplishments of Alexander the Great ( ) Here is an example of how to write up your accomplishment/achievement. It uses India and not Greece! (no copying!). Each accomplishment is minimum of 5 sentences! Indian Achievement: The Indians were known for their metalworking. Metalworking in India was called metallurgy, which is the science of working with metals. The various people of India used their knowledge of metallurgy to create high quality tools and weapons. Steel was created by Indians in a technique called the “crucible technique,” which is when two metals were melted together in a pot (the crucible) in order to make the overall product stronger and easier to work with. This achievement is so important because in 2016, and in the last centuries, steel has become a staple in the modern building of cities (skyscrapers) and machinery that are used now.
Primary Source Explanation Example You need to have an 8-10 sentence paragraph explaining the “Battle of Issus” Mosaic and why it was important. Here is an example paragraph using a mosaic that was unearthed in Pompeii. Example paragraph (8-10 sentences) This is a picture of a mosaic that was unearthed in Pompeii that depicts sea life. In the mosaic, there are many details that can teach one about the Romans and their culture. There is a huge variety of sea creatures in the picture; including, octopus, squid, salt water fish, manta rays, a type of crawfish, and eels. Each fish is very detailed and in full color. First of all, one can tell that the Romans used the sea for a resource. It is hard to tell if this artwork was created to “worship” fish or to simply show their importance in Roman society. The octopus being the center of the picture would tell one that they were the most important creature. This could be because it is the only animal attacking another in this scene. The mosaic shows the variety of sea creatures the Romans were exposed to, as well as what the Romans considered art in their time. This is important because it shows how they Romans respected and had a vast knowledge of sea life for their time.
Creative Choice for Alexander Should include information about his birth to death. It should include this family, education, and why he was a successful general.
Creative Choice for a Philosopher (Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle) It should include the Philosopher’s life to death It should include specific details about his philosophy and what it was based on!
The last points….4 th Hour Comic Strip – 20 points (“perfect” or pretty) – Athens – Sparta – Corinth Movie Preview – 20 points – Corinth – Best “script” – 5 points to Megara
The last points….7 th Hour Comic Strip – 20 points (“perfect” or pretty) – Athens – Argos – Sparta Movie Preview – 20 points – Argos – horse & typed scripts! – Athens