Study of Calorimeter performance using the LC full simulator The 8th ACFA Workshop Yoshihiro Yamaguchi (Tsukuba U.) M. -C. Chang (RCNS, Tohoku U.) K. Fujii.


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Presentation transcript:

Study of Calorimeter performance using the LC full simulator The 8th ACFA Workshop Yoshihiro Yamaguchi (Tsukuba U.) M. -C. Chang (RCNS, Tohoku U.) K. Fujii (KEK) T. Fujikawa (RCNS, Tohoku U.) S. Kim (Tsukuba U.) H. Matsunaga (Tsukuba U.) A. Miyamoto (KEK) T. Nagamine (RCA, Tohoku U.) H. Ono (Niigata U.) A. L. C. Sanchez (Niigata U.) T. Takeshita (Shinshu U.) A. Yamaguchi (Tsukuba U.) S. Yamamoto (Graduate U.) T. Yoshioka (ICEPP, Tokyo U.) …

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop2 Contents Introduction Calorimeter geometry Amount of materials EM CAL Performance HD CAL Performance Fine segmented Cell Study of Digital calorimeter Summary & Future plan

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop3 Solenoid TPC IT Standard Geometry (GLD) Muon/Iron Hadron Calorimeter EM Calorimeter VTX Forward Cal Jupiter is Full simulator and MC truth generator Based on Geant4

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop4 Calorimeter in Jupiter Perform an analysis with ideal geometry to know ultimate performance.  Each tower with one HD tower (12cm  12cm) and 3  3 EM tower (4cm  4cm) is pointing to an interaction point.  No crack between towers. Tower geometry and material can be modified easily. Implement realistic geometry in the next step.

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop5 Parameter List EM + HD HDCal 130Layers: EMCal 38Layers: 27X 0 Lead 8mm Scinti. 2mm Lead 4mm Divide 3  3 12cm Scinti. 1mm Cut Calorimeter Tower 12cm Endcap Inner R = 40cm Barrel Tower Front R = 210cm Endcap Tower Front R = 270cm Calorimeter geometry

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop6 Amount of Materials Radiation Length = 0.05 ~ 0.2 X 0 (5.4X 0 at cos  = 0) Nuclear Interaction Length = 0.02 ~ (2.8 0 at cos  = 0) Radiation Length and Nuclear Interaction Length measured from interaction point to CAL front. X0X0 X0X0 0 0 cos 

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop7 Event Display Event Display (single electron) 1GeV electron incident angle to CAL is very small due to a magnetic field. 1GeV EM shower stops in the early depths in EM CAL. 1GeV TPC EMCAL HDCAL 10GeV TPC EMCAL HDCAL

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop8 EM CAL Performance (electron) Worse resolution and non-linearity at 1GeV is due to shower stopping at the early depth of EM CAL. Energy [GeV] Energy Deposit [GeV] Linearity Deviation [%] Energy [GeV] Deviation from Linearity

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop9 HD CAL Performance (pion) Large non-linearity in the low energy region.  Under investigation. Deviation from Linearity Linearity (QGSP) Energy [GeV] Energy Deposit [GeV]

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop10 HD CAL Performance (pion) QGSP : LHEP : No Sol : (QGSP) Front Cal : (QGSP) Beam Test:  sto = 40.6  1.1 %  con = 7.1  0.3 %  sto = 38.0  1.2 %  con = 9.0  0.8 %  sto = 39.3  1.2 %  con = 8.4  0.6 %  sto = 44.9  1.4 %  con = 4.3  0.4 %  sto =  0.35 %  con = 0.9  0.4 % Beam test from NIMA 487 (2002) Configuration is 8mm lead and 2mm sinti. No EM Detector

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop11 Fine segmented Cell Set new CAL geometry  EM CAL divided 12  12, Cell size = 0.83 ~ 0.92cm  HD CAL divided 12  12, Cell size = 0.92 ~ 1.4cm Use Hadron PhysicsList: QGSP To study coarser segmentation, we sum the energy deposits in adjacent cells.

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop12 Event Display (single pion) pink -> electron blue -> muon yellow -> photon red -> pi black -> K0L green -> proton purple -> neutron gray -> other TPC EMCAL HDCAL Cell Size = 1cmx1cm TPC EMCAL HDCAL Cell Size=EM 4cmx4cm, HD=12cmx12cm Incident particle:  - 100GeV Exact hits of TPC and merged hits of CAL are displayed. Color shows which particle makes hit.

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop13 Digital calorimeter Incident particle:  -, 2 ~ 200GeV, 500event Select  - punching through EM CAL as a MIP. Non-linearity observed in # of hits. Large constant term in energy resolution. Energy [GeV] Measured hits # of hits 10GeV Linearity

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop14 Definition of hit Blue cell is 1 hit Red cell is 2 hits # of hits in a cell Fraction of # of hits in a cell [%] 1cm  1cm: single hit ~100 % 2cm  2cm: single hit ~70% Large difference between 1cm  1cm and 2cm  2cm. Segmentation should be < 2cm  2cm. 1 particle 2 particles # of hits in a cell” is defined by the # of original particles incident onto the calorimeter which cause the cell hit.

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop15 Summary & Future plan HD cal simulation does not reproduce beam test results.  Discrepancy is observed in the resolution constant term.  Large non-linearity in the low energy region.  Need more extensive study. Cell size less than 2cm  2cm is favorable for PFA.  We plan to study the calorimeter clustering with digital calorimeter.

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop16 Buck up

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop17 Jupiter/Satellites Concepts JUPITER JLC Unified Particle Interaction and Tracking EmulatoR IO Input/Output module set URANUS LEDA Monte-Calro Exact hits To Intermediate Simulated output Unified Reconstruction and ANalysis Utility Set Library Extention for Data Analysis METIS Satellites JSF/ROOT based Framework Geant4 based Simulator MC truth generator Event Reconstruction Tools for simulation For real data Used Geant4.7.0.p01 and root

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop18 HD CAL Performance QGSP : LHEP : LCPhysics : No Sol : (QGSP) Front Cal : (QGSP) Beam Test:  sto = 40.6  1.1 %  con = 7.10  0.29 %  sto = 38.0  1.2 %  con = 9.02  0.79 %  sto = 25.7  1.3 %  con =  0.43 %  sto = 39.3  1.2 %  con = 8.37  0.55 %  sto = 44.9  1.4 %  con = 4.29  0.38 %  sto =  0.35 %  con = 0.84  0.38 % Beam test from NIMA 487 (2002) Configuration is 10mm lead and 2.5mm sinti.

2005/07/12The 8th ACFA Workshop19 Definition of hit “# of hits in a cell” is defined by the # of original particles incident onto the calorimeter which cause the cell hit. 1 particle 2 particles Blue cell is 1 hit Red cell is 2 hits Scintillator