1 Carrying out a Work Scrutiny
2 Purpose of Work Scrutiny To assess quantity and quality of written work To evaluate the appropriateness of the recording To monitor: Progression Continuity Differentiation Level of challenge Planning/teaching match Use and application of targets To identify strengths and weaknesses in marking
3 The Process- Step 1 The quantity – consider the age group Quality of: Activity Are activities appropriate? Are activities open-ended wherever possible? Is there evidence of collaborative work? Presentation Are children making choices about strategies to use and how to record their work? Are school policies being followed?
4 Step 2 To monitor: Differentiation Level of challenge Progression Continuity Planning/teaching match Use and application of targets
5 Step 3 To identify strengths and weaknesses in marking Is the marking policy in practice throughout school? Is feedback purposeful? Acknowledges success Identifies next steps
6 Conclusions? Any surprises? Quantity and quality of written work Appropriateness of the recording Progression Continuity Differentiation Level of challenge Children’s use of targets marking
7 What next? Whole school input on recording? Whole school input on marking? Whole school input on using and applying targets? Individual feedback and support? Sharing of good practice? Clarification of policies?
8 Points for Action ------