GEOSS Common Infrastructure Access to Priority Earth Observations Data “ Sprint to Plenary” Group on Earth Observations Eighth Plenary Session - GEO-VIII November 2011 Istanbul, Turkey
Why the Sprint to Plenary? Observations and recommendations from the ADC meeting in Brazil led to the Sprint Action Plan To implement a more rapid approach for the enhancements to improve the GCI To respond to the Architecture and Data Management Evaluation Report To respond to feedback from the GEO Committees and Secretariat
Key Actions Implemented a proactive approach in connecting to GEOSS resources Executed technical enhancements to improve functionality and outcomes Implemented a process for data providers to register and identify GEOSS Data-CORE resources
Sprint to Plenary Achievements Enhanced the discovery of GEOSS resources using a common vocabulary of EO parameters Identified and registered critical EO data assets Supported the Data Sharing Task Force Action Plan, i.e. GEOSS Data-CORE Simplified registration Enabled direct access to data and services Implemented a more comprehensive search of EO catalogs and inventories Monitored GCI service availability
GEOSS Infrastructure Enhancements Services: Catalog, Access, Processing Inventory Access* EO Data Applications: Web and PC Brokered Search: EuroGEOSS*, GENESI*, CWIC* Brokered Search: EuroGEOSS*, GENESI*, CWIC* GEOSS Registration Service (CSR) GEOSS Registration Service (CSR) Standards and Interoperability Registry Best Practices Wiki Best Practices Wiki Clearinghouse EO Vocabulary* GEOSS Common Infrastructure * Prototype capabilities GEO Web Portal Service Monitoring*
Simplify the registration process Component and Service Registry is updated to invite the registration of Earth Observation Resources of various types Registration of EO catalogues is encouraged to facilitate direct data access
Identify and register critical EO assets 23/25 Critical EO Priority Observations 111/146 EO Parameters GEOSS-registered data represent: From UIC Report to the GEO-VI Plenary – Critical Earth ObservationsUIC Report to the GEO-VI Plenary – Critical Earth Observations
Growth of Registered/Accessible Resources Data products* year Number Earth Observation Systems Services 2011(Nov.)2011 (Sept.) ,909 28,000,000+ 1,000 1, ,000 1,000, ,000 10,000,000 *via CEOS CWIC client integration 100,000,000 Data Sets
Display of Map Services Web Map Services are now visible through portal viewer
Demonstration Scenarios A disaster scenario using the current GEO Web Portal and GCI environment to support earthquake hazards will be presented next Additional SBA-oriented scenarios using GEO data and services through GCI in support of habitat modeling and atmospheric chemistry will be shown on a schedule in the ADC/OGC booth Scenarios focused on community applications of the GCI and open data will be demonstrated also in the ADC/OGC booth
A demonstration of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure capabilities
Disaster Scenario
Next Steps The GCI environment demonstrated represents prototyping and testing of new functions – these features will become operational in next few months Continued work: –Improve the user experience –Make enhancements to improve functionality –Easier access to global resources –Action is required by GCI operators and GEO Members and Participating Organizations to improve access to data resources
Thank you …