Colonial Latin America CHAPTER 13 SECTION 3 CIRCA 16 TH CENTURY
Colonial Empires in Latin America Social classes within the territories of both Portugal & Spain in the Americas a clear social hierarchy developed based along the lines of privilege as well as ethnicity. Peninsulares – White Europeans born inn Spain or Portugal Creole –White European born to 2 European parents in the Americas Mestizo – Mixed race, 1 white parent, 1 native American parent Mulattoes – mixed race, 1 white parent, 1 African parent Pure Natives & Pure Africans
Economic Foundations Continuing the tradition of encomienda, the process by which its okay to use natives as long as they were given protection & Catholicism. Large agricultural plantations became a source of wealth. Unlike gold or silver, products that are grown can be regrown creating a renewable commodity that if done correctly can remain profitable for many years. In addition to encomienda, a system known as mita was also utilized mostly in Peru. This system allowed the Spanish to draft natives and force them to work in mines.
Silver Mining
State & Church To assist with issues pertaining to governance with colonial affairs new political positions were created which gave a lot of influence to these individuals this positions were created because communication between the monarchy and the colony could take weeks. The Portuguese & Spanish created the position of governor general, later known as Viceroys. Spain had 2 viceroys after 1543 with one in New Spain (Mexico) & the other in Peru.
State & Church With Catholicism being the main religion of Spain & Portugal we begin to see catholic missionaries such as Dominicans, Franciscan & Jesuits, came to the new world for the sole purpose of converting natives to Catholicism. These Missionaries organized into small villages or missions. Missionaries are also responsible for building cathedrals, hospitals, schools & orphanages.
Cathedral in Peru