Aim: How is precipitation related to relative humidity? Topic: Unit 6 Meteorology Main Idea: Moisture
1) Define absolute humidity? This is the exact amount of water vapor in the air.
2) Define relative humidity? This is the comparison between capacity (how much it can hold) and absolute humidity. It is how full the air is.
3) a) Label the capacity and absolute humidity for the following diagram:
3) b) What is the relative humidity? 50 mL/ 100 mL X X % relative humidity
4a) Absolute Humidity The higher the absolute humidity, the higher the relative humidity.
4b) Capacity of the air The greater the capacity, the lower the relative humidity.
How does temperature affect capacity?
4c) Temperature If the temperature is high the air can hold more water so it is not as full= lower relative humidity.
4d) Dewpoint Temperature Direct relationship. If the air is full the molecules are so close together that a cloud can form at warm (high) temperatures.
Changing Air Temperature
Changing Absolute Humidity
Summary: Graph the three relationships
Changing Air Temperature
Which of these two station models represent the current weather in Elmont, NY? Give two reasons. Diva Dollar Question: If it is foggy outside and there is dew everywhere, if the sun comes out why doesn’t it rain? (Use all terms we learned yesterday)