Multiple Intelligence How Smart Are You?
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart or Book Smart) Involves: Understanding the order and meaning of words in both speech and writing and how to properly use the language. You probably like various kinds of literature, playing word games, making up poetry and stories, debating, creative writing and telling jokes.
Intrapersonal Intelligence Involves: Our wanting to know the meaning, purpose and significance of things. You like to work alone and sometimes you may shy away from others. You are probably self-aware and self- reflective. Other people will often come to you for advice and counsel.
Interpersonal Intelligence Involves: Knowing from working with and relating to other people, often as part of a team. Probably have lots of friends, love team activities, are sensitive to other people’s feelings and ideas.
Naturalist Intelligence Involves: Knowing that occurs in and through our encounters with the natural world including our recognition, appreciation and understanding of the natural environment. You have a profound love for the outdoors, animals, plants and almost any natural object.
Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence Involves: Happens through sound and vibration. You have a love of music and rhythmic patterns. You may study better with music in the background. You probably like to create music and you enjoy listening to a wide variety of music.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence Involves: Learning by doing. Knowing that happens through physical movement and through the knowings of our physical body. You like physical movement, dancing, making and inventing things with your hands and role playing.
Visual-Spatial Intelligence Involves: A picture is worth a thousand words. Knowing that occurs through the shapes, images, patterns, designs and textures we see with our external eyes. You probably like to draw, paint and make interesting designs and patterns and work with clay, colored markers, construction paper and fabric.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Involves: Using numbers, math and logic to find and understand various patterns that occur in our lives. You tend to think more conceptually and abstractly and are often able to see patterns and relationships that others miss. You most likely enjoy working with numbers, mathematical formulas and love the challenge of a complex problem to solve.
Multiple Intelligence A summary:
Which intelligences do you have??? How can you use these to your advantage? Is one more prevalent than the other? Do you agree with what you found out? Why or why not? Where do you go from here?