The World of Work Police station in Abu Dhabi Done by : Maryam Mohammed Instruction name : Robert The World of Work
Outline : Information about the interviewee Information about the company Job description and duties Evaluation Jobs available for HCT graduated Qualification, skills, experience The think that I would like and don’t like about the company and job
His name : His job title : Job description : Enjoy for : Things he would to change : The World of Work Qualificationskillsexperience IT certificateContact with othersTraining in IT HD certificateSolving problems Creative
About the organization : The World of Work Locationa brief history Idea for the company Reputation : Abu Dhabi: Established 1957 Save peopleGood Reputation Keep them in a safe place
Organization chart The World of Work
Job description and duties. What he do ? How long he work ? The World of Work -Fix problems. -Develop new program. -Enter data for employee.
Evaluation of working for the company ? The World of Work -He like to helps others -Fix problems -Develop the programming Bad : -Sit long time working in computers - Doing same thing Good :
jobs are available for HCT graduates The World of Work -Programming -Security -Teachers
The World of Work KnowledgeSkillsQualifications Proposing ideasCommunicate with others IT certificate English LanguageCreative
The World of Work Think that I like it (company, job) Think that I didn't like it (job) -Near my houses - Its my major -Still working in computers. --Wake up morning. My Evaluation:
THANK The World of Work