Light and Optics PHYS 1090 Unit 8
Speed of Light c = 10 8 m/s (in vacuum)
Electromagnetic Wave Energy Non-classical result: E = hf E = energy f = frequency h = Planck constant = J s
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Emission Lines Hydrogen Helium Neon Sodium Source: J. Strasbourg,I. Kiel after J. Tabbot. Data from NIST.J. Strasbourg,I. Kiel NIST
Hydrogen Emission “Thousand Ruby Galaxy” M83 Source: European Southern Observatory
Spectrum of the Sun Source: McMath-Pierce Solar Observatories
Reflection and Transmission (and absorption)
How Human Color Vision Works Source: Griffith, Physics of Everyday Phenomena
Primary Colors redgreenblue
Bird and Reptile Color Vision Source: Scientific American, July 2006
Different material (like glass) Incident medium (like air) Light Interacting with a Material INCIDENT RAY REFLECTED RAY TRANSMITTED RAY
Refraction refracted ray AIR GLASS Normal (air-glass) Incident ray Normal (glass-air) transmitted ray
Lens Properties A lens can either cause the rays to converge or diverge
Using Rays Ray tracing diagrams predict the location, orientation, and type of an image
Colors Split by Dispersion Source: Griffith, Physics of Everyday Phenomena, 4 ed.
Speed in Glass Depends on Index of refraction n = c/v c = vacuum speed v = speed in medium
Source: Griffith Prism Separates White Light
Primary Rainbow: 1 Reflection Source: Griffith, Physics of Everyday Phenomena 40° 42°
Secondary Rainbow: 2 Reflections Source: Griffith 54.5° 52°
Dispersion Creates Rainbows Source: Griffith
Diffraction and Interference Wave behavior You observed it with water waves It happens with light waves!
Temp Influences EM Radiation Higher T greater power – P/A = T 4 – = 5.67 10 –8 J m –2 K –4 Higher T higher peak frequency – max = b/T – b = 10 6 nm K Source: M. A. Seeds, Exploring the Universe