Welcome to Virtual Community School (VCS) Mrs. Mead Kindergarten
Objectives By the end of this presentation, you will be able to answer these questions: Who is my teacher? How do I contact my teacher? What do students and Learning Coaches do? How do I turn in work? What is the key to success? What is a Wolf?
Who is my teacher? Mrs. Mead I live in Columbus I recently got married and just got back from our honeymoon! I have a dog named Rocky and a cat named Scarlet (During a live lesson you might hear Rocky barking )
I love spending time with my husband and my family I enjoy traveling and site-seeing I spend time reading and enjoy taking pictures. Who is my teacher? Interests
Bachelor of Science Elementary Education Master of Arts Elementary Education & Reading K - 12 Highly Qualified Reading Recovery trained. Who is my teacher? Education
This is my second year at VCS teaching Kindergarten and Reading. Previously: Gahanna-Jefferson City Schools (5 years) Reading Specialist Who is my teacher? Experience
How do I contact my teacher? Phone (614) WebMail message LiveLesson ® room Hours 8:30 – 3:00(M-F) (I teach reading in the afternoon, so I will not be available for phone calls. Webmail will be the best way to get a hold of me after 12:00)
What do Learning Coaches do? Attendance Attendance 4 hours per day/20 hours per week Record attendance daily Help your student with daily routines Help them with lessons Refer to the Learning Coach Guide Complete and regular attendance will keep your student On Track and happy!
What do students do? Attendance Complete all of your hours Keep yourself busy if you finish early Read! Read! Read! Write in a journal Play educational games Remind your Learning Coach to mark attendance !
Handbook Highlights Pgs New Attendance Policy Students are required to log 4 hours a day or 20 hrs/wk – Monday through Friday Students can work on the weekends. However, school days, for attendance purposes, are Monday through Friday. Parents have to contact attendance office to report absences.
Handbook Highlights Pg 17 - New Internet Reimbursement Policy Highlights: Internet reimbursement up to $50.00, payable every 9- weeks upon student showing academic progress. Before Internet can be reimbursed a parent/guardian must complete and return a W-9 tax document. If you did not complete this form during the enrollment process please contact an Enrollment Specialist at or Questions about your reimbursement and to submit your bills should be directed to:
Handbook Highlights About the Third Grade Reading Guarantee Ohio's Third Grade Guarantee ensures that every struggling reader gets the support he or she needs to be able to learn and achieve. How it Works In kindergarten through grade three, schools will evaluate all children to determine if they are reading as well as they should be. If a child appears to be falling behind in reading, the school will immediately start a reading improvement plan. These plans will address each student's unique reading problems. Schools will monitor the plan to make sure the student's reading is improving. Schools will work closely with parents to create a reading level remedy plan and enlist parents’ support.
What do students and Learning Coaches do? Lesson Completion Complete all lessons in your Planner Set up a schedule you can keep Mark lessons complete when they are finished From student log in=pending From Learning Coach log in=complete
Bi-weekly phone calls Set day and time Every other week Learning Coaches and students If you know you will be unavailable for a call, please send me a WebMail message in advance so arrangements can be made. I will do the same if I must reschedule your call. What do students and Learning Coaches do? Bi-Weekly Phone Calls
Remember, I have reserved a special time for each of you. I will do my best to keep the bi-weekly call schedule. Please help me stay on schedule by: Being available at your scheduled time Being prepared with any materials as requested Keeping conversations on topic Following agendas What do students and Learning Coaches do? Bi-Weekly Phone Calls
Students Participate in Curriculum Based Assessments Receive personalized assistance Participate in reading assessment Learning Coaches Check attendance Check lesson completion Check Grade Books Discuss concerns Other items as needed during the year What do students and Learning Coaches do? Bi-Weekly Phone Calls
What do students do? LiveLesson® Sessions LiveLesson ® Sessions Interact with teachers and other students Receive help Enrich their learning
What do students do? LiveLesson® Sessions LiveLesson® Sessions: Whole Group Calendar Lesson Monday-Friday 10:00 Share Day – Friday’s at the end of calendar time Reading Lessons in groups: TBT.
What do Learning Coaches do? LiveLesson® Sessions LiveLesson ® Sessions Sit next to your student Help navigate the LiveLesson room Keep track of LiveLesson sessions Custom event on student’s Planner Check webmail for any live lesson information
What do students and Learning Coaches do? LiveLesson® Sessions LiveLesson® Rules Use the link on the student’s home page Bring a Learning Coach Follow directions Be respectful to teacher and other students Failure to follow rules will result in a warning. If behavior continues, student will be removed from the LiveLesson® room.
How do I turn in work? Portfolios Portfolios Submitted to the teacher Clearly marked in lessons with a colored box Worth many points Should reflect your best efforts Submitted online
Skills Checks Surveys of student skills Completed online Must be completed in order Key to understanding how the student is doing May be discussed during bi-weekly calls How do I turn in work? Skills Checks & Quick Checks
What is the key to success? Communication is the key to success at VCS. Together we can work through any situation.
Helpful Hints Use Learning Coach Guide Make a weekly/daily schedule Have a special work place Refer to the assessment rubrics. Check webmail daily Be come involved and meet other parents: Contact Rochelle Nelson
What is the key to success? Communication WebMail messages Class Website Phone Calls LiveLesson® Sessions Grade Books Weekly Class Newsletters Important Home Page Messages
What are the Wolves? We’re Organized Learners and Very Exceptional Students
Class Website
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