Grace Fellowship Church Pastor/Teacher Jim Rickard Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Memory Verse John 13:34, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”
The Twelve Apostles 1. Simon-Peter 2. Andrew 3. John 4. James 5. Philip 6. Bartholomew 7. Thomas 8. Matthew, Levi 9. Simon the Zealot 10. James, the son of Alphaeus 11. Thaddaeus 12. Paul
Andrew His Name: “Manly, manliness, or a strong man".
Background: The younger brother of Peter. Mat 4:18; 10:2; John 1:40, 44.
Home/Birth Place of several Apostles
His Personality: Little is known about Andrew though he was the first to identify the Christ.
His Personality: Interestingly, he was not part of the “inner circle”, but was one of the “confidential disciples” with Peter, James, and John.
He was either an unassuming figure and just forgotten or had some personality traits that the others did not have.
Andrew three times brings others to Christ, 1) Peter; 2) the boy with the loaves; and 3) certain Greeks. These may indicate his character.
Role Among the Disciples: At first a disciple of John the Baptist, then led to receive Jesus when John pointed Him out as “the Lamb of God”. John 1:36-40
He brought his brother to the Lord, John 1:41-51, an action that continues to be a model for all who bring others to Christ.
He and Peter were called by Jesus to follow Him after John’s imprisonment. Mat 4:18-20; 10:2; Mark 1:14-18; 3:18; Luke 6:14
With P J & J, inquired of our Lord regarding the destruction of the temple and His future coming. Mark 13:3-4
He called to the attention of our Lord, the boy with the loaves and fish at the feeding of the five thousand. John 6:8-9
He and Philip introduced to Jesus, Greeks who desired to see Him. John 12:20-22
He is last mentioned as one of those who continued at Jerusalem in the “Upper Room” after the ascension. Acts 1:13
His Legacy: Traditions varies. He may have preached in Scythia, the region north of the Black Sea, therefore he became the patron saint of Romania and Russia.
Others put him in Achaia (Greece); in Asia Minor and Thrace.
He may have founded a church in Constantinople and ordained Stachys, named by Paul, Rom 16:9, as its first bishop, therefore known as the apostle of Byzantium.
He is also considered the patron saint of Scotland. National Flag of Scotland St. Andrew’s Cross
Some ancient writers speak of an apocryphal Acts of Andrew. There is also mention of the Gospel of Andrew.
Foxes book of Martyrs: He preached the gospel to many Asiatic nations; but on his arrival at Edhessa he was taken and crucified on a cross, …
… the two ends of which were fixed transversely in the ground. Hence the origin of the term, St. Andrew’s Cross … the two ends of which were fixed transversely in the ground. Hence the origin of the term, St. Andrew’s Cross “X”.
Phil 3:15, “…and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you.”
Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, March 3, 2009 Meet the Apostles ~ Andrew Upper Room Discourse, Part 246 Tape # Meet the Apostles ~ Andrew Upper Room Discourse, Part 246 John 13:36; Mark 13:3-4; John 6:8-9; 12:20-22 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2009