Subtheme 3: Linking Small producers to markets Theme Leader – Maximo Torero.


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Presentation transcript:

Subtheme 3: Linking Small producers to markets Theme Leader – Maximo Torero

Objectives of the Meeting Update were we are on the activities and needed corrective actions Presenting for comments the web-based clearinghouse Discussion on key priority topics for Phase II Follow up on previous meetings Mapping impact to IDO’s on first phase Regional strategy to assure impact

Phase 2 Value chains areas of focus Using value chains in measuring incentives and linking it to models Focus on bringing solutions to bottlenecks and tools developed to focus on farmer associations or any horizontal coordination mechanism Design interventions with the different tools and solutions to generate better collective action on farmer groups and gender inclusion Main outcome is to generate the necessary economies of scale

Moving from Outputs and outcomes to impact

Impact Pathways to IDOs Value chain analysis phases Solutions to bottlenecks and constraints: Activities on bottlenecks Activities on Vertical and horizontal coordination Measuring impact at pilot level of solutions Value chains Clearinghouse Knowledge platforms Linking with partners in CGIAR, public and private sector to scale up solutions (for example CRS, GIZ, Ministries, WEF, etc.) Capacity building and core team hubs IMPACT