Study Project TRANS-CSP Trans-Mediterranean Interconnection for Concentrating Solar Power (WP05 Environmental Impacts) Project for the Research & Development Programme of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) NREA
WP05 Environmental Impacts Scope: Quantify the environmental impacts resulting from TRANS-CSP scenario and from the infrastructure necessary for solar electricity imports with respect to emissions, land use and local impacts. Result: The TRANS-CSP scenario reduces the negative environmental impacts of power generation to a compatible level. Import solar electricity contributes significantly to environmental compatibility.
The primary solar energy resource equals 1 – 2 barrel/m²/y of heating oil Direct Normal Irradiance for CSP in kWh/m²/a. Excluded Sites are White. 3 Sampled Sites for Solar Electricity Supply from MENA (selected for maximum irradiance, but other criteria possible)
Population Density in Persons/km² (Landscan) 3 Exemplary Centres of Demand in Europe Light Emissions at Night (NASA) UCTE Grid
3 Analysed Samples for EU-MENA HVDC Interconnection 3 x 5 GW x 7000 h/y = 105 TWh/y
Acceptable Impacts of the HVDC Lines on Landscape
Life Cycle Assessment of Materials and Emissions of Solar Import Electricity CEE Cumulated Energy Expenditure
TRANS-CSP: CO 2 Emissions in Europe RUE Rational Use of Energy RES Renewable Energy Systems CCS Carbon Capture & Sequestration Avoided CO 2 is calculated with respect to a mix as in the year 2000 including nuclear power
Area for Renewables = 1.1 % = Area used for Roads Status 2050 (The European Transport System occupies 1.2 % of the Land Area)