2 Dutch Recap o Flourished after Thirty Years’ War o Modern Constitutionalism o United Provinces (provincial Estates have power) o Regents (wealthy merchants) head oligarchies o Holland is strongest (no centralization efforts) o Republican model o Based on middle-class (thrift, hard work, simplicity)
Dutch successes Religious tolerance (lead to immigration) Commercial Powerhouse – Capital/investment/lending/exchanges – Largest merchant fleet (transport leaders!) – Bulk! (lumber, grain... ) LOWEST PRICES! – Joint Stock companies DEI/DWI – commercial wealth Decline of Portuguese Wars (Spanish Succession 1713) start of decline
General East Europe Info Strong resurgence of serfdom – Limited movement & heavy labor/taxes – 1574: able to be put to death in Poland (property) Kings were: most powerful of the nobles
Austria/Habsburgs Thirty Years’ War: exhausted, almost no Empire Ferdinand II (r ) limits Bohemian Estates (stop Protestant influence) – Protestant land → Catholic nobles – The robot (3 days unpaid labor) – Controlling Bohemia leads to absolutism Ferdinand III creates standing army
Pass the Croissants Ottoman Empire used janissary corps. (slaves trained for bureaucracy or the sultan’s army) Suleiman the Magnificent (high water mark, 1566) – Siege of Vienna – Mixed forces (Poles…), last minute – Creates sense of unity against Turks
Other Austrian Issues Calvinist Magyars (Protestant Nobles of Hungary) – Leopold I (r ) suppresses Magyar rebellions … ends Ottoman threats too Charles VI (r ) PRAGMATIC SANCTION – Single heir receives entire realm (women count) – Maria Theresa (r ) solidifies E. Empire Prussia invades Silesia two months into her reign