Implementation of legislation (Chapter 47) By Haley Court
Laws relating to ICT Legislation governs most aspects of ICT and is the responsibility of companies to ensure it is implemented. Laws include: – Data Protection Acts of 1984 and 1998 – Copyright Designs and Patents Act of 1998 – The Health and Safety (display screen equipment) regulations of 1992
The Data protection Act Protects privacy of individuals, main concerns being: -Data and information should be secure -Private, personal or other data should be accurate -Data stored should not be misused Organisations should have their own rules to make sure laws are upheld. Typically two sections: one focusing on the customer and the other on the organisation.
A data protection policy Section 1 – Customer Service 1) Policy on data privacy should be publicized & copies given a copy if requested 2) Informed why personal data is needed & used for. No more data than necessary should be collected 3) Data should be collected directly from customer – stop errors 4) Shouldn’t be used for purpose other than reason of collection-consent- includes selling to third party 5) Consent should be obtained & access to personal data allowed 6) Concerns should be listened to and errors put right immediately Organisational culture 1) Company’s policy should be clearly communicated to all staff 2) Awareness of the issue of privacy fostered among all employees 3) Staff should be personally liable for the company’s privacy policy 4) Effect on privacy of any new proposed system should be assessed before it is developed 5) All data stored is accurate and up-to- date. 6) Senior manager designated and all staff made aware of responsibilities. 7) Security policy developed and enforced. Periodic checks made
Software Copyright Under terms of Copyright Designs and Patents Act of 1988 – illegal to copy or run pirated software. Business Software Alliance (BSA) makes employees aware of the law BSA prepared a step-by-step guide including following advise: – Conduct and audit. Inventory with any illegal software deleted – Purchasing. Purchase licences for enough copies of software – Procedures. Commitment to using legal software following procedures: Appoint a software manager-appropriate software Arrange an audit of all machines regularly Send memo to all staff with concerns on duplication Channel software requirements/purchases through a single point Make regular checks on software suppliers and software Send memo’s to staff. Illegal software copying an offence Request staff to sign an employee agreement
Health and Safety Prevention is better than cure. Educating people way of preventing problems Encouraging ‘ownership’ of workspace. In accordance to training and problems to attention of employers. Involve staff in choice of furniture Taking regular breaks. 30 second ‘micropauses’ every 5-10 minutes. Happier more productive employee’s Providing right equipment. Regulations concerning type of computer equipment and furniture. Must be provided for people who spend ages in front of a VDU Employer’s responsibility. Obliged to demonstrate this by carrying out formal evaluation of working environments. Will cover workplace design, computer hardware, lighting, cooling, humidity, and software. Bottom line. Ignorance of the law is no defence, sooner or later companies will have to invest some money in ergonomics. They may be successfully sued by injured employees if they disregard their obligations.