President’s Special Commission to Improve Graduation Rates Retention & Graduation Presentation to PAC 1
UWG Numbers 4 year Graduation Rate—13% 6 year Graduation Rate—36% 2 nd Year Retention Rate—73% 3 rd year Retention Rate—57% Average 1 st term GPA—2.30 Average CRH Load—13.11 (13.7 F10 est.) 2
UWG Numbers (estimates) Average entering GPA—3.07 Average entering SAT Score (M + V)—984 – Down from a high of 1021 in F06 Average entering ACT Score—20 Number of Students admitted and enrolled with below minimum FINDEX—13 (presidential exceptions and admitted on appeal) 3
Retention & Graduation Presentation to PAC 4 UWG & Comparator Institutions: Second Year Retention Rates (Fall 2006)
UWG & Comparator Institutions: Six-Year Graduation Rates (Fall 2002 Cohort) 5
Attrition at the End of Each Year – As a Percentage of Entering Cohort
UWG & Comparator Institutions: Median SAT Scores,
UWG, Comparator, & Robust-Tier Institutions: First-Time Freshmen’s 1 st Term GPA 8 Source: Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange Report, May 2009
UWG, Comparator, & Robust-Tier Institutions: Percent of 2007 First-Time Freshmen Cohort with First Term GPA Less than 2.00 Avg. excluding UWG=17% Source: CSRDE Retention Report, Center for Data Exchange and Analysis, May 2009
Percent of First-Time Freshmen with First-Term GPA<
Summary Grades Distribution in Core Courses (Fall ) 11
How has UWG performed since 2005 in the 5 Core Courses Identified (DFW Rates)? 12
UWG Freshmen Success Rate 13
Average Time-to-Degree of UWG Students (# Semesters) 14
Fall Cohort FYP Retention Rate FY ProgramFall 08 Cohort Retention Rate No FYP Selection67% Selected but Dropped63% UWG % Learning Communities80% Residential Peer Mentoring74% MAP Mentoring76% Honors86% FY Mentoring/iServe71% Commuter FYP Previously Commuter Retention <60% 65% Overall Retention Rate73%
17 Semester Fresh- men Sopho- more Jnr.Snr. Total Avg. Semester Fresh- men Sopho- more Jnr.Snr. Total Avg. Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Fall Spring Average Credit Hours by Student Classification and Semester from Fall 2006 to Spring 2010