Eternal Life In The Eucharist We receive God’s eternal life through the Eucharist
Review As a church we act in unity( one part, one family, one pope, bishops, congregation- one body) As a united church we have one faith…. But what is faith? Belief, trust, in what? In what we can’t see….. We believe in one God, the Trinity, The Son became flesh to save us {incarnation}………. We believe in the resurrection of the dead and eternal life
What is eternal life? Eternal life is to live with God in eternity- After we die, we will be raised with a different body and be with God for eternity in heaven no badness, no hunger, no tiredness, only joy, happiness, peace, love and righteousness
To be with God in in his kingdom
What Jesus told us about Eternal life “And this is eternal life that they may know You, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.”(John17:3)
How do you know God? To know God means to experience him first hand, How? Think about ways or times you do something and feel connected with God and that makes you happy When do you experience God?
Can we experience eternal life here on earth? Can eternal life start now? Can you experience living in Gods’ kingdom during your day? How about when you do something good, as in helping someone
What St Paul told us about the kingdom of God “For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy” (Romans14:17) If you receive God’s love through the nature, the scripture and the church then show that love to others
How we experience eternal life here on earth Tell me examples of saints and their extreme happiness in living close to God, life of prayer, life of giving, ……… Look to saints life, despite they have left every thing they feel content, satisfied, in joy. Find someone in need for your help, Kids who are left out, a friend doing something wrong……..
During the Eucharist we receive God’s forgiveness and Eternal life
Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ,given For the remission of sins and eternal life to those who partake of him. Where can we hear this saying?
Jesus appeared to the two disciples going to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35 They could not recognize him despite the fact that their hearts were on fire while he explained to them the scripture Their eyes were open when he broke the bread
During the Eucharist we receive God’s forgiveness and Eternal life During the liturgy, Jesus continues to walk by our side, opening to us the Scriptures and leading us to a deeper understanding of the mysteries of God. When we meet him fully, during the communion, we will pass from the light of the Word to the light streaming from the “Bread of life”, the supreme fulfillment of his promise to “be with us always, to the end of the age” (cf. Mt 28:20).
How to prepare ourselves for the Eucharist. It is the center of the church’s life. It is very important to be well prepared to partake the Body and Blood of Christ ?
Self examination ?
1-clean heart. 2-clean mind 3-clean body
Repentance and confession
Practice the church faith: 1-prayers 2-tasbha 3-fasting 4-….. 5-….
How we receive eternal life, in the Eucharist.
Whenever you eat of this Bread and drink of this cup, you preach My death and confess My Resurrection and remember Me until I come back.
What can we learn from this? 1-How we prepare ourselves for the Eucharist. 2- In the Eucharist we receive God’s Forgiveness and his eternal life. 3-We come out of the Eucharist filled with light, love, joy and righteousness. Will we be able to give others what we were filled with?
We need to follow all of the directions that are given to us inside the Church in order to learn how to receive the Eucharist.
Verse “Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” John 6:54
Verse "Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” John 6:54