Springtime in Vienna What colour Is your Shirt? To Russia With Love CategoryISMS Potpourri
German occupation of Austria
What is Anschluss?
3 million German- speaking peoples lived in this part of Czechoslovakia.
What is the Sudetenland?
In 1939 Hitler wanted to occupy this territory that separated Germany from East Prussia.
What is the Danzig corridor?
German territory that was rich in coal and voted to be governed once again by Germany.
What is Saar?
Hitler gambled by moving his troops into this former demilitarized zone.
What is the Rhineland?
Mussolini’s “combat units” that engaged in street brawls with strikers and communists.
What are the Black Shirts?
German thugs who intimidated people into voting for the Nazi party?
Who are the Brown Shirts?
Hitler’s personal body guards who carried out the arrests and killings during the Night of Long Knives.
Who are the SS?
Leader of the Brown Shirts who was arrested during the Night of Long Knives.
Who is Ernest Rohm?
Hitler blamed this combustible event on German Communists.
What is the Reichstag fire?
Russian idealist who was later killed in Mexico by Russian secret police.
Who is Trotsky?
The two opposing armies in the Russian Civil War.
Who are the Whites and the Reds?
This farm could be likened to an agricultural factory operated by peasant labour, who worked for a wage.
What is a State Farm?
He developed Gosplans or 5 year plans to modernize Russian industry.
Who is Stalin?
This group first came to power in Russia right after the revolution.
Who are the Bolsheviks?
Authoritarian political beliefs, characterized by extreme nationalism, reliance on military power to achieve national goals, and a state-controlled private enterprise economy.
What is fascism?
An economic and political system in which society as a whole rather than private individuals own all property and operate all businesses.
What is socialism?
A philosophy that supports the traditional order and resists political and social change.
What is conservatism?
A political and economic system based on community or state ownership of wealth, property, and the means of production, with each person working for according to ability and receiving according to need.
What is communism?
A philosophy that supports guarantees of individual freedom, political change, and social reform.
What is liberalism?
German word meaning living space.
What is Lebensraum?
Last Russian Czar.
Who is Nicholas II?
Italy attacked this African country in 1935.
What is Ethiopia?
English and French policy that basically gave Hitler what he wanted.
What is appeasement?
Night of broken glass.
What is Kristallnacht?