medical forecast prognosis pro (forward) + gno (know) + sis (condition)
conversation colloquy col = com (together) loqu (talk)
solid ground terra firma terr (land)
many-colored polychrome poly (many) + chrome (color)
medical forecast prognosis pro (forward) + gno (know) + sis (condition)
causing ill will or envy invidious in (into) + vid (look)
belief in nothing nihilism nihil (nothing) + ism (doctrine)
pathological thief kleptomaniac kleptes (thief) + mania (madness)
summary synopsis syn (together) + opia (sight) + sis (condition)
able to live; workable viable vi = vita (life)
insight perspicacity per (through) + spec (look)
joy of living joie de vivre viv (life)
authorize sanction sanct (holy)
worldly; ordinary mundane mund (world)
excessive use of verbal ornamentation magniloquence magn (great) + loqu (talk)
combination synthesis syn (together) + sis (condition)
pathological thief kleptomaniac kleptes (thief) + mania (madness)
love of humankind philanthropy phile (love) + anthropo (man)
summary synopsis syn (together) + opia (sight) + sis (condition)
government of the old gerontocracy cracy (government)
belief in nothing nihilism nihil (nothing) + ism (doctrine)
causing ill will or envy invidious in (into) + vid (look)
one who fears Russia Russophobe Russo (Russian) + phobia (fear)
scientific study of insects entomology entomo (insect) + logy (science)
solid ground terra firma terr (land)
stereo buff audiophile audi (hear) + phile (love)
of all kinds omnifarious omni (all) + ous (full of)
combination synthesis syn (together) + sis (condition)
worldly; ordinary mundane mund (world)
inferring from a general principle deduction de (down) + duct (lead)
conversation colloquy col = com (together) loqu (talk)
clear, unambiguous unequivocal un (not) + equi (equal) + voc (voice)
joy of living joie de vivre viv (life)
scientific study of insects entomology entomo (insect) + logy (science)
of all kinds omnifarious omni (all) + ous (full of)
in place of parents in loco parentis loco (place)
government of the old gerontocracy cracy (government)
insight perspicacity per (through) + spec (look)
able to live; workable viable vi = vita (life)
one who fears Russia Russophobe Russo (Russian) + phobia (fear)
stereo buff audiophile audi (hear) + phile (love)
clear, unambiguous unequivocal un (not) + equi (equal) + voc (voice)
in place of parents in loco parentis loco (place)
inferring from a general principle deduction de (down) + duct (lead)
love of humankind philanthropy phile (love) + anthropo (man)
excessive use of verbal ornamentation magniloquence magn (great) + loqu (talk)
authorize sanction sanct (holy)
mob rule mobocracy cracy (government)
mob rule mobocracy cracy (government)
many-colored polychrome poly (many) + chrome (color)