His story He sells grain He is overweight He isn’t the most pleasant person to look at He isn’t a nice person He is obnoxious Evidence: 1.“Chap of sixteen stone (224 pounds)” 2.“His nose displayed a wart on” 3.“He liked to play his bagpipes up and down and that was how he brought us out of town.”
How he speaks and acts He steals He cheats people He’s not a good guy He is a strong man who shows it off “He could heave any door off hinge and post.” 2.“Master-hand at stealing grain.” 3.“A thumb of gold, by God, to gauge an oat!”
He thinks and feels Greedy He can say whatever he wants “Master-hand at stealing grain.” 2.“His mighty mouth was like a furnace door.”
How he looks and dresses Big Strong Red head Not good looking Bearded “His beard, like any sow or fox, was red “ 2.“Win a ram at any wrestling show” 3.“Chap of sixteen stone” 4.“His nose displayed a wart on.”
His story He is a doctor Not religious Not a good guy He likes the power he has “A Doctor too emerged as we proceeded.” 2.“He did not read the bible very much.” 3.“When, by his horoscope, he knew the powers.”
How he speaks and acts Like he’s better than everyone else Not caring of his patients “Worked on the images for his dependent.” 2.“He knew their sear, their humor and condition. He was a perfect practicing physician.”
How he thinks and feels Big-headed Greedy Like he can do whatever he wants All he wants is the money “Each made money from the others guile.” 2.“Kept the gold he won in pestilences.” 3.“He therefore had a special love of gold.”
How he looks and dresses Blood-red clothes to cover up the blood stains Dirty Unsanitary Un-kept “In blood-red garments, slashed with bluish gray and lined with taffeta, he rode his way ;”
By: Kaitlyn Rodriguez Pd. 1B