Sport Psychology Motivation
Objectives of Today’s Class Understand that motivation can come from different people in different positions in your life that will effect your daily feelings and emotions Realize that motivation is related to human needs Understand the difference between a NEED and a WANT How motivation may be developed and enhanced. Extrinsic vs intrinsic motivation
Any given sunday Inches Speech
Motivational speeches What did you feel after watching that clip? What is the significance of motivational speeches? What forms of motivation have you encountered and from whom? E.g. parents? Coaches? Teachers? (share with the class) Why is motivation important for athletes and how can it benefit an athlete?
Motivation “motivation is a complex set of internal and external forces that induces one to behave in a certain way” Nothing is more important than motivation, not even talent Why is motivation so important? It is the fuel used to ignite behaviour E.g. Cal Ripken of the Baltimore Orioles Behaviour most typically associated with motivation are: Choice (e.g. choosing to join a sports team, choosing to go to practice) Effort (e.g. intensity with which people direct their energies toward a goal) Persistence (most important achievement behaviour, commitment to whatever you choose to do despite numerous obstacles
Needs and Motivation Human behaviour is never random, we all seek rewards and satisfaction for what we do E.g. humans are motivated by hunger and seek to reduce their need by eating People are motivated to fulfill their needs (needs vs wants) Motivation is enhanced when we meet the important basic “needs” of athletes instead of their “wants” ** Three prominent NEEDS athletes seek to fulfill by participating in sport: THE NEED TO: experience stimulation and challenge be accepted and belong to a group gain and demonstrate competence to feel worthy
Need to experience stimulation and challenge All humans possess need this need Sport is a terrific environment to meet this need because all athletes begin and continue sport participation because it is fun Children would rather want to have fun by developing competence in practices where they are optimally challenged Increases motivation, increases determination, Motivation is developed and enhanced when athlete’s needs for optimal stimulation and challenge are met What are some strategies to enhance motivation through acceptance and belonging? Team building activities (increase cohesion) Social gatherings/activities Coaches should show interest in each individual athlete to make them feel accepted
Need to demonstrate competence to feel worthy No such thing as a born competitor, human beings are born with an innate need to be competent People strive to be competent at something that makes them feel worth as human beings Positive Cycle of Motivation if we enjoy something, we do it more If we do it more, we get better at it When we get better at it, we enjoy it more Big problem in meeting athletes’ need to feel competent and worthy is the INTENSE PUBLIC SOCIAL COMPARISON in sport
Motivation Involves both internal and external forces (as seen in the definition) activation or energization of goal-oriented behaviour Motivation is best conceptualized across a: Continuum of self-determination
Self- Determination Continuum INTRINSIC MOTIVATION- engaging in an activity purely for pleasure and satisfaction derived from doing the activity. Accomplishment Stimulation ALL 3 WILL RESULT IN HIGH SELF-DETERMINATION To know EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION- behaviour engaged in as a means to an end, driven by the promise of some reward beyond the actual performance of the activity itself Identified Regulation Internal Pressure ALL 3 WILL RESULT IN LOW SELF-DETERMINATION External Regulation
Intrinsic Motivation (IM) IM for ACCOMPLISHMENT involves engaging in an activity for the pleasure and satisfaction that we experience when we attempt to accomplish something important to us Athletes are motivated this way because they enjoy the PROCESS of striving to be more competent E.g. playing for inner pride IM for STIMULATION People are motivated to experience stimulating sensations such as the fun and excitement of playing sport IM TO KNOW Being motivated to perform an activity for the pleasure and satisfaction one experiences while learning, exploring or understanding something new
Extrinsic Motivation (EM) Identified Regulation Occurs when athletes come to value the pursuit of sport excellence and see it as an important goal for themselves Activity is still performed for extrinsic reasons (to perform well and win) but internally regulated Internal Pressure an extrinsic source of motivation, even though the pressure to act in a certain way seems to come from within the athlete E.g. young athletes have been forced into demanding training programs by parents at an early age External Regulation Completely controlled by external sources such as rewards, threat of punishment, contracts, etc. E.g. athletes in sport because of scholarships are motivated by external regulation
Types of Goals Process: focuses on technique. The HOW of sports Performance: focus on improving and attaining personal performance standards. The WHAT of sports Outcome: focus on results and social comparison. The WHY of sports
Coping The generability of sports- the skills we learn in sports are transferable to other stressful situations non sports situations The COPE Model: Control Emotions Organize Input Plan Response Execute