What is your favorite family tradition? Special birthday celebrations? Family reunions? Religious celebrations? Thanksgiving? Summer barbeques? A family vacation?
What makes it so special to you? How would you feel if you were the only one unable to attend one year?
Imagine that the reason you are unable to celebrate this year is because you are in another country fighting for the freedom for people to enjoy time with their families & friends in the first place. This is what American soldiers are doing right now while we are here at school!
Currently there are about 400,000 individuals stationed overseas who are working hard to keep our country safe! These soldiers will not get to see their families or friends this Thanksgiving. Imagine being away from your loved ones, knowing that the reason everyone else is able to celebrate is because you are helping to maintain their freedom to do so!
How can we help? Handwrite a letter to a soldier overseas so that he/she has a letter from home on Thanksgiving! The Bert Show of Q100 wants to collect 400,000 letters to ensure that a letter gets in the hands of EVERY soldier on Thanksgiving Day. Remember that we might not all agree with war or the reasons for it, but we can at least show thanks to those people brave enough to fight for us.
Let’s show them that Brookwood knows how to say THANK YOU!