Business Education 8 th Grade Vocabulary Mrs. A. Smith
Keyboarding Qwerty-1929, from the first six keys on a standard typewriter keyboard and computer keyboard, read as though text, from top left. Ergonomics-The technology concerned with the design, manufacture, and arrangement of products and environments to be safe, healthy, and comfortable for human beings. Home row keys-A,S,D,F,J,K,L,;-used in the QWERTY method of keyboarding WPM-Words Per Minute (with errors) AWPM-Adjusted Words Per Minute (without errors)
Business Letter Parts Heading-sender’s address and date, single spaced Inside address-recipient’s address two to three line spaces below the heading Greeting-opening salutation, ex: Dear Mr. Jones Body-body of the letter. Reason for writing the letter Closing-complimentary closing, ex: Sincerely, Cordially, Thank you, etc. Signature-Type the full name of the sender, including any title three line spaces below the closing.
Accounting Assets – things you own Liabilities – a debt or obligation (money owed) Owner’s Equity – the amount of the initial investment plus retained earnings. Income – a monetary gain (usually from the sale of products or services) Expenses – financial burdens; cost
Excel Workbook-Excel file that holds many worksheets Worksheet-a grid of columns and rows. Another name for worksheets are spreadsheets. Column-are labeled by letter Row-are labeled by numbers Cell-intersection of a column and row
Risk Management Risk management-Managing the risks that are involved in running a business. Pure risk-The threat of a loss to your business without any possibility of gain. Speculative risk-a risk that involves the chance of either profit or loss. Insurance-A practice or arrangement whereby a company provides a guarantee of compensation for specified forms of loss, damage, injury or death.
Personal Finance Check-directs a bank to deduct money from your checking account to make a payment. Check register-to keep a record of your automatic teller deposits, regular deposits, electronic transfers, and the checks you have written. Balance-the amount of money in your account. Deposit-the amount of money that you put in your account. Deposit slip-used to record the amounts of currency, coins, and checks you deposit.
Economics Economics-Study of how people use scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited needs and wants. Traditional economy-Economic decisions are based on a society’s values, culture, and customs. Market economy-Privately owned businesses operate and compete for profits with limited government regulation or interference. Also called free enterprise system or capitalism. Command economy-A central authority, usually the government, controls economic activities. Mixed economy-A combination of the market and command systems.