Roman Gods and Goddesses By: Arnold Bistoquet Joel Norman
Main Gods and Goddesses Jupiter Juno Neptune Pluto Mars Mercury Apollo Diana Minerva Vesta Ceres Venus Vulcan Hercules Cupid Orpheus Pandora
Sacrifices Phiale Blood sacrifices Sacrificed victims
Where and When Sacrifices where made Jupiter Mercury Vulcan Minerva Venus Mars Diana Neptune Mercury Vulcan Mars Saturn
Jupiter Is considered King of the Roman Gods Protect of the state and its laws. He actually overthrew his father, Saturn, to become king of the gods Married to Juno
Juno Queen of the gods The word “money” derives from the name of one of her temples Goddess of marriage, children, home and family. Represented various ways, always beautifully
neptune God of water Controlled the sea and all water sources Rode in a chariot pulled by seahorses or other mammals He was brothers with Jupiter and Pluto
pluto Known as the god of the dead He is considered the judge of the dead Considered rich because of his ownership of the underworld Black sheep were offered as sacrifices.
mars God of War Married his half-sister Considered tall and handsome, but also cruel and vain. Always depicted in warriors gear
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