Mkanni benhm “My place between them”
Outline : Phase One/ Formative Research Analyzing the situation Analyzing the organization Analyzing the public Phase Two/ Strategy Establishing Goals and Objectives Formulating Action and Response Strategies Developing the Message Strategy Phase Three/ Tactics Selecting Communication Tactics Implementing the Strategic Plan Phase Four/ Evaluation Evaluating the Strategic Plan
Phase One: Formative Research
Step 1: Analyzing the situation It`s society problem with people who suffer from Down Syndrome. The UAE society not appreciate their power and not care enough about these category of people. -Society's perception of people with special needs be considered an economic burden on communities. -They are isolated from society. -Lack of appreciation of the community for this category and abilities so that always perceived inferiority. -Refusal to integrate people with special needs with normal people.
- It is Opportunity to UAE community presenting and showing their efforts and services, of how they concern about people with Down syndrome. -The purpose of their campaign was to raise awareness and change people mind about people with down syndrome. Campaign emblem is “mkani benhm”
Step2: Analyzing the organization - There is no organization. -It is campaign done by group of volunteer people. -Their leader is Ali Alateqi.
1- Internal environment Niche: integrated down world syndrome. Structure: Their mission to live humanitarian sense and community work, for normal people to integrated with Down syndrome category, to contribute to the development of society in an innovative manner, Creatively, High quality, and human resources in defiance in the framework of the noble values and principles inherent. The role of PR is manager-level. available resources : Ali alateqi the manager of this campaign and the volunteer pays money from their own budget to recover the activates. There is no limited time for this campaign is going for a long term.
Ethical base: They focus a lot on the ethics of their volunteer, put rules and educate volunteers who want to share them arrange lectures for them to attend. 2- Public perception: Visibility: Their vision to achieve the integration and integration with down syndrome category, and to instill happiness in our heroes hearts and highlight their abilities and their wills. Reputation: It is charity work which make reputation pretty good.
3- External environment: Supporters: Volunteers and charitable organizations. Competitors: there is no competitor its charity work. Opponents: people who are not believe in this category and saw them burden and some government organization. External impediments: They have difficulty in accepting them on government agencies supporters for their campaign.and their ideas They have no sponsors for their activates. They depend on their own budget and its not enough to reach their future goal.
Step 3:Analyzing the public All people in UAE community from age 5 and above to know more about this category and help them. Send a message to the institutions and families in all Emirates as much as they can.
Phase Two: Strategy
Step 4: Establishing goals and objective Goals: - establish a spirit of community volunteer work in integration with down syndrome category - -Develop community awareness about down syndrome group and deal with them. - Encourage down syndrome group to interact with the environment around them provide an opportunity for a class of Down Syndrome to hilight the positive role in society.-
-To educate Public about the special needs and Down Syndrome category, and skills of these category, and things they made it. -change the perspective of people about people with special needs. -Change the word disabled. - Set up a special center for the development of their abilities and have after-school. Objective : Their objective is to Aware people of the importance of Integration of Down syndrome and encourage them to participate to support this global cause
Step 5 : Formulating action and response strategy Action Strategy: The establishment of lectures and workshops in many governmental, non-governmental organizations and public utilities, accompanied by heroes and director of the campaign. The establishment of the title of heroes on Down syndrome and make people look to their skills and their work. Disseminate awareness messages through social networking sites and online. Create a video in YouTube for heroes Stories Down syndrome and also a short film. Make a procure. Public participation and interaction through social networking sites by asking topics need to be replies.
Step 6 : Developing the message strategy - The campaign was applied well, It has been spreading awareness in all social networking sites and access to a group of volunteers from inside and outside the country. -Effectiveness of “happiness Chromosome” in Alain – aljahili park. Oulom aldar cover the effectiveness of the World Day of Down syndrome in the Zayed Foundation for Humanity care. The effectiveness of “our happiness our priority “at the Center for Global Brovinta in Khalifa Medical City. -Awarness march -Council students of the Higher Technical School in Sharjah Entertainment events for children with Down syndrome systems. -Peop le were asked to complete the phrase I love you, for your……
Phase Three: Tactics
Step 7 : selecting communication tactics The campaign begin from 2014 and it is continuing. Logo: Videos: vA8E
Phase Four: Evaluation
Step 9 : Evolution After the campaign more people care about down syndrome- they gain more volunteer and more supporter- they aware people and change their point of view. The media cover the campaign of mkani benhm in Gulf News paper, albyan and oluom aldar TV news They gain only one sponsor for one activities The campaign continues for the same goals
Thank you
Student Name: Amal Ismail Albloushi. ID#: PR and advertising campaign Section #: