CH 13. GLOBAL CHANNELS & PHYSICAL DISTRIBUTION Channels for Consumer Products and Services Channels for Industrial Products Establishing Channels and Working with Channel Intermediaries Global Retailing Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
Channels for Consumer Products and Services Business to Consumer vs. Business to Business Direct vs. Indirect Selling (See Fig 13-1) Internet Marketing and E-commerce
Channels for Industrial Products Manufacturer’s sales force, distributors or gents, and wholesalers, and/or a combination of these three. See Figure 13-2 The Japanese Kyocera company’s successful entry in the U.S. electronic chip market by using a large number of salaried sales force.
Establishing Channels and working with Channel Intermediaries Careful Selection of Distributors and Management of Distributors Using Direct Sales Force
Global Retailing Types of Retailers Department Stores, Specialty Retailers, Supermarkets, Convenience stores, Discount sores, Hypermarkets, Super centers, Category Killers, Outlet stores, etc.
Physical Distribution and Logistics Order Processing Warehousing Inventory Management Four Transportation Modes – See Table 13-2 Containerization and Intermodal Transportation