Holiness in a Hostile World Daniel 1:8-16  Reminder: Daniel is not about Daniel but about God and his complete control over his world! The world may.


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Presentation transcript:

Holiness in a Hostile World Daniel 1:8-16

 Reminder: Daniel is not about Daniel but about God and his complete control over his world! The world may exert force and influence over the people of God, but that does not change God completing his plan through his people. Knowing of and living in God’s sovereignty is critical for a holy life in this hostile world. A sovereign God enables success in this world.

 Success: Determined not by the number or quality of “things” one acquires, but by obedience to the will of God as revealed in his word. Jesus’ priority on accomplishing God’s will. ○ John 4:34 Then Jesus explained: "My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent me, and from finishing his work. NLT

 Reason for/Actions from the resolution  Challenges to the resolution  Commitment to the resolution  Results of the resolution

 Reason for the resolution Continuation of a godly lifestyle Godly living was being opposed Only response if God is truly sovereign Action from the resolution Daniel boldly stood up God’s sovereignty displayed

 Challenges to the resolution Health & Well Being questioned ○ “if you look good, we look good” ○ If you look good, people get to see the goodness of God Fear of Daniels failure & consequences ○ Daniel’s way of life was put in question

 Commitment to the resolution Daniel sought a way to maintain his resolution ○ Opposition only made him get more strategic Daniel maintained his compassion for others Daniel allowed for personal accountability

 Results of the resolution Better nourished Better appearance before the world Better prepared to live in this hostile world

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven”. Matthew 5:16

This is not about making good new years resolutions and sticking to them. This is about resolving to be a person of holiness and integrity God’s way and being willing to make any sacrifice to maintain it. It is about trusting God.

 Have you made a commitment to purity before God?  How has your resolve been tested? How have you responded?  Is your resolve for God’s glory or your approval before others?  Have others seen your resolve lived out? What has been their response?