Key Abbreviations OSP – Office of Sponsored Programs GFC – Grants Financial Coordinator PIF – Proposal Information Form DAF – Department Approval Form BAF – Budget Approval Form SO – Signing Official NOA – Notice of Award 3/19/2016 P:\Clinical Research\SPONSORED PROGRAMS\OSP STAFF ONLY\FLOW CHARTS POWER POINT\Flow Charts\Grant Process General.ppt
When a grant has been identified, submit the PIF, CPT codes and Schedule of Events to OSP CHOA PRE-AWARD PROCESS * Awards for Hughes Spalding must be awarded to Children’s and sub’d to H S Complete budget, submit BAF and budget to OSP for approval and review CHOA OSP OSP reviews & obtains CHOA SO approval opens grant account (Activity) issues internal Notice of Award coordinates grants management process with PI/PD Scan all documents and save on shared drive in Grants and Contracts folder PI/PD Sponsor issues NOA (as submitted) Application submitted by OSP to sponsor P:\Clinical Research\SPONSORED PROGRAMS\OSP STAFF ONLY\FLOW CHARTS POWER POINT\Flow Charts\Grant Process General.ppt 3/19/2016 Notify IRBComplete apps/forms Start budget preparation OSP provides patient care pricing info OSP assists w/ application Prepare and Route DAF Submit approved DAF to OSP OSP retains DAF for budget review No Is CHOA the prime? Yes Legal issues approval to execute contract (authorization to proceed – NOA) OSP receives PIF and creates grant file Sponsor issues NOA (Budget Revised) Submit revised budget to OSP CHOA provides required materials to sponsor OSP negotiates, develops/receives contract & submits to legal for review/approval
GFC receives Monthly Financial Reports to reconcile and make corrections and/or adjustments Coordinator will meet with GFC to go over registration, flagging patients in EPIC patient tracking system and patient care Billing. Enrollment starts CHILDREN’S GRANTS ACCOUNTING PROCESS Receives internal NOA and set up CHOA grant account notebook GFC receives approval from coordinators for expenses from Pharmacy, Processing Lab, Patient Care and other vendors. Coordinator receives NOA and copy of sub contract Begin Spending to Children’s Grant Account / Activity GFC Invoices Sponsor for Children’s expenses GFC receives and processes Payments to Children’s Grant Activity When study is complete notify GFC GFC closes out CHOA Grant Account GFC expenses the study /activity # via a Finance label then sends to Corp. Finance for processing GFC creates Patient Invoices and sends to coordinators P:\Clinical Research\SPONSORED PROGRAMS\OSP STAFF ONLY\FLOW CHARTS POWER POINT\Flow Charts\Grant Process General.ppt 3/19/2016 If applicable, GFC receives invoices from Pharmacy and Research Lab and sends to coordinators GFC will ensure all expenses are paid and all revenue has been received and Grant Activity has a zero balance GFC receives Monthly Financial Reports to reconcile and make corrections and/or adjustments GFC receives and processes Payments to Children’s Grant Activity When study is complete notify GFC GFC copies coordinator on deposits, GFC notifies coordinator of amount available for salary re-classes GFC will ensure all expenses are paid and all revenue has been received and Grant Activity has a zero balance Complete salary re-classes as needed Send to payroll and copy Manager, OSP Children’s Grants Accounting PI/PD