1.2 The organisation 1.2.3: Aims of private and public sector enterprises UNIT 1.1
TargetLearning ObjectiveOutcome Who?Keywords Demonstrate an awareness of the aims and objectives of enterprises in both private and public sectors Describe and explain the different objectives of organisations in the different sectors in an economy ALL C Public Enterprise Non-Profit- making Private Sector MOST B SOME A 1.2 The Organisation
Public & Private sectors The aims and objectives of businesses will be different depending on whether they are operating in the private or the public sector.
Activity Pg 38 of your text book. Complete exemplar exam question Identify A01 Explain A04
p Aims and objectives give organisations a direction to work towards Private sector organisations seek to make a profit, usually the main focus for their aims and objectives. Public sector organisations may seek to make a profit but will focus on public service.
Unwrap the ‘present’ answer the question (teacher prepare before hand)
1.3 Changing business environment 1.3.1: Government influence over decision making by using economic policy measures UNIT 1.1
TargetLearning ObjectiveOutcome Who?Keywords State the role of the government in influencing decisions within local, national and international contexts and explain how business may react Identify need for intervention Show understanding of the impact of intervention in terms of business decisions e.g. what is produced and how Give examples of intervention both to support and control the impact of business activity on people, the economy and the environment ALL C Direct Tax Fiscal Policies GDP Indirect tax Inflation Monetary Policies Money Supply Public Expenditure Demonstrate an awareness of the impact that tax and interest rate changes might have on business decisions Know how interest rates affect business Know how different tax changes affect business Understand how business decisions will be affected by such changes MOST B SOME A 1.3 Changing business environment
Starter Pg 39 Question 1 - 4
Group Activity 1.Why Does the government want to influence business and the economy? 2.How does a governent get its money 3.How does the government spend its Money? 4.How do changes in taxation affect business? Put in four groups Receive a topic mins plan 5 min present
Activity In group Discuss Note Pg 50 – 62 ‘Complete Business Studies Titley Print as booklet NEED TO PREPARE
p In every country the government intervenes in economic activity. Reasons for intervention includes provisions of essential services and protecting weaker members of society Examples of government intervention include taxes and subsidies and running services such as public transport. Taxes earn large revenues for governments; they also discourage certain types of activity. A Subsidy is a payment to encourage certain activities Rises in interests rates can reduce profits; a fall encourages borrowing and can lead to more spending.