Has Melbourne sprawled too far?
Today’s lesson ●Lesson goal ●Prior knowledge ●Factors of Melbourne’s urban sprawl ●Impact of Melbourne’s urban sprawl ○Group work activity ○Presentations and worksheet ●Next lesson and homework reminder ●Goal reflection ●Video: Different perspective - urban sprawl 60 years ago
Lesson goal 27/4/15 ●To identify the factors and analyse the impacts of Melbourne’s urban sprawl.
Prior knowledge ●Dharavi, Mumbai
Choices ●Urban infilling ●Urban renewal ●High-rise apartments ●Rural-urban fringe Where do you put all the people? Page 96 of textbook Melbourne ●9000 square kilometres ● million people ● million ●Need for more houses Urban infilling The division of larger house sites into multiple sites for new homes Urban renewal Redevelopment of old urban areas including the modernisation of household interiors
How can we increase density in established suburbs? Page 96 of textbook Activity centres ●High-density housing ●Shops ●Work ●Recreation ●Existing infrastructure ●Transport networks ●Medium-rise (3-5 stories)
What changes are taking place on the rural-urban fringe? Page 96 of textbook Most rapid change ●Former farmland, market gardens and orchards ●Low density ●Planned ●Theme ●Geographical feature ○Narre Warren Urban expansion into rural-urban fringe brings environmental, economic and social impacts.
What are the effects of change on the rural-urban fringe? Group Work ●Pick a piece of paper from the front desk. ●Each piece of paper has an ‘impact’ written on it. ●Find people with the same ‘impact’ as you and form a group.
Group work instructions ●As you are working on the questions, put your findings in a PowerPoint presentation to be shown to the class. ●You may allocate each question to different group members or respond to them together as a group. ●Assign one person to make the Powerpoint presentation. ●Assign two people to give the presentation. ○If possible, please make sure these are people who have not yet presented.
Presentations ●As you are listening to your peers’ presentations, fill out the worksheet provided.
Next lesson Fieldwork activity Working with a partner or in small groups, undertake a fieldwork investigation of your local area in terms of: the types of dwellings transport facilities and issues shopping and other community services available amount of open spaces and parkland, and associated recreation facilities how ‘liveable’ it is. This might mean checking with your local council or conducting surveys of local residents. Document your findings in a report, including maps, photographs and data (e.g. tables, pie charts), and listing any references.
Homework ●Mumbai ●Page 95 of textbook ●Question 1 & 2 ●Extra question optional: Question 5 ○Due Wednesday 29th April
Goal reflection ●Are you concerned about the impacts of new developments on the rural-urban fringe? ●Why or why not?
Video: 1954 Doco: Planning for Melbourne’s future Questions to think about while watching: ●What are the problems listed? ●How are they different from today’s problems? ●What do you think some of the problems will be in 60 years from now? A class discussion will follow the video.