Computer Classification Lauren Andrade
Mainframe Definition- the central processing unit and primary memory of a computer Example- Bill Gates had a mainframe mainframe computer. 29 October Photograph. wikipediaWeb. 11 Nov
Mini Computer Definition-a computer of medium power, more than a microcomputer but less than a mainframe Example-laptop msdonough, mehgan. Samsung intros ATIV Book 5 Ultrabook and ATIV Book 6 laptop with touchscreens. april Photograph. n.p. Web. 11 Nov
Micro Computer Definition- a small computer that contains a microprocessor as its central processor. Example- desktop miller, richard. THE HISTORY-MAKING Photograph. n.p. Web. 11 Nov
Computer Hardware
Central Processor Unit Definition- the part of a computer in which operations are controlled and executed Example-The first single chip CPU was the Intel 4004 invented in Nov 1971 central processing unit Photograph. wikipediaWeb. 12 Nov
Input Peripheral Definition-a device that hooks up to the host computer but not part of it Example- mouse, keyboard fitzgerald, edward. Understand that improvements could be needed as a result of testing Photograph. bmsigcseitWeb. 12 Nov
Output Peripheral Definition- a device that outputs information to you Example- printer printer and computer repair Photograph. indy printerWeb. 12 Nov
Storage Systems Definition- is a technology consisting of computer components and recording media used to retain digital data Example- memory card How to format a Memory Card for Cell Phone Photograph. techuuizzWeb. 12 Nov
Storage Devices Definition- a piece of computer equipment on which info is stored Example- usb blue plug blue tooth Photograph. grid connectWeb. 12 Nov