Change in aspen density over a range of height ratio classes in the SBPSxc
2 IDFdk3 The vicious aspen was not as bad as it looked! 20 years old ( not brushed) 6 years old
3 SBSdw1 Pine and aspen: a different story 10 year old pine
Recommended changes from research trial results Subzone & site series AT/PL ht ratioDensityFG min pine ht SBPSxc 01None 1.4 IDFdk % SBSdw1& % Note: Only for pine at free growing height Only for zonal sites
Research suggests that current provincial guidance with regard to aspen competition in pine stands could use some tweaking Research is only on one site – is this valid? We only studied pine and aspen but there are other species out there Results we have developed are for pre-brushing surveys. What about post-brushing? And what about other similar ecosystems? What do you mean other values???? Could the changes affect something else? 5
Verifying the broad application of the results 6 With operational assistance we sampled a range of operational sites across a variety of subzones. Why Verify? Broad application of research results from just one site is not recommended: we collected information to determine if the research could be extended across the same unit For inclusion of similar ecosystems: we can’t afford to complete research in every subzone so we collected data to determine if we could extend the research across other ecosystems
Other ecosystems in the Cariboo with aspen communities as defined by the “Expert System” 7 BEC Area (km 2 ) Site series ESSFxv1&2 3802XXAT (L)XXXXXX ICHdk 425 AT (H) AT-EP-AC (H) AT (L)XAT (M) EP-AT-AC (H) AT (H) EP-AT-AC (H) AT (H) AT-EP-AC (H) EP-AC-AT (H) X ICHmk AT (M/H) EP-AT-AC (M/H) XX AC-EP-AT (H) AC-EP (H) EP-AC-AT (H)X ICHmw3 b 32 ICHwk a: AT-EP-AC (M) 01b: AT-EP-AC (H) XXEP-AT-AC (L/M)XXAT-EP-AC (H)X ICHwk4 607AT-EP-AC (M)XXXAT-EP-AC (L/M)XAT-EP-AC (H)X IDFdk1 b 20 IDFdk3 8953AT (M) X XXAT (L)AT (M)X IDFdk4 3994AT (M)AT (L)XAT (M)AT (H)XXAT (M) IDFdw a 1009 IDFmw2 b 147 IDFxm a: AT (M) 01b: AT (M) XXXXXEP (H)XX SBPSdc 4227AT (M) XXXXXXX SBPSmc a 1165 SBPSmk 5658AT (M) X XXXXX SBPSxc 10,898AT (H) c XX AT (H) X SBSdw AT (M) EP-AT (M) XXXX AT-EP (M/H) AT (M/H) XX SBSdw AT (M)XXXXXXAT (M/H)EP (H) SBSmh 789 AT-EP-AC (H)EP (M)XXEP (H) EP-AC (H) AC (H) AT-AC-EP (M) SBSmm b 87 SBSmw d 1374 AT-EP-AC (M/H) AT (H) XXXXXXXX