JUNORTOUN BIG CONVERSATION Trevor Budge Manager Strategy City of Greater Bendigo
Population Growth
Population Forecast – age structure
City of Greater Bendigo – Public Land Ownership
Growing Bendigo – 1980
Growing Bendigo – 2015
Residential Strategy
Integrated Transport and Land Use Strategy
Discussion Points What does the development and release of ITLUS mean for Junortoun? What does the Rural Communities Strategy mean for residents? Is Junortoun considered rural or suburban? What do residents of Junortoun need to know about planning and development issues?
What does the development and release of ITLUS mean for Junortoun? Integrated Transport and Land Use Strategy (ITLUS) Big emphasis on – Walking, Cycling and Public Transport particularly for Commuting to Work and School – traffic and health outcomes – Building 10 minute neighbourhoods – 1 in 5 commutes - switch to active travel – Social and equity outcomes – ageing population, those without access to a car should not be disdavantaged
What does the Rural Communities Strategy mean for residents? Council’s Rural Communities Strategy is in the course of preparation Key Findings – Rural communities consider themselves to be under- recognised and valued – Services eg public transport, mobile phone and internet speed are deficient – but even more critical to rural communities – Each rural community has its own profile, attributes and issues – Rural communities – individually and collectively contribute much to the overall liveability of Bendigo – but they are generally undervalued
Is Junortoun considered rural or suburban? My questions to you – Is Junortoun one community or more? – What area defines itself as Junortoun? – Do you want the CoGB to consider you as rural or suburban? – Do you want to be seen as both? – Advantages and disadvantages of each tag
What do residents of Junortoun need to know about planning and development issues? Officially the CoGB sees three things – Urban Growth Boundary – Junortoun outside it – Zoning in the Planning Scheme – mixed approach generally: Rural Living – Rural Conservation Farming – no defined centre – Strategy and Policy in the Planning Scheme Junortoun shown as the ‘Key Low Density Residential Area’ – no other references in the scheme to Junortoun This is the only specific reference to Junortoun in the Planning Scheme – advantages and disadvantages
Discussion Points Retain a ‘rural’ or ‘semi rural’ identity? – or see the area as a low density area of urban Bendigo? Need to define a core activity area – ’10 minute neighbourhood’ How are the current zones working? Any scope for more intense development?
Presentation Cr James Williams Craig Niemann – CEO Trevor Budge – Manager Strategy
Focus Working together to be Australia’s most liveable regional city Sustained growth and investment Invest in key assets Manage and support development Plan and guide with strategies Partnerships with governments, key agencies and community