1-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit19-Mar-16 Websites of active NFPs CYDZESEGFRGRILITJOLBMAMTPSPTSYTNTR Web sitesXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Hosted by TUXXXXX Thematic Directory XXXXXXXXXXXX Organisation main site XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Link from main site XXXXXXXXX Other National water portal XXX
2-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit19-Mar-16 Content of NFP websites (August 2006) CYDZESFRGRILITJOLBMAMTPSPTTNTR Institutions XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Documentation XXXXXXXXXXX Training XXXXXXXXXXXXX R&D XXXXXXXXXXX Data management XXXXXXXXXXX Legislation XXXXXXx1XXX Context x1XXXXXX News XXXXXXXX Web sites for JO and PS are currently under redevelopment x1: content developed but not yet published
3-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit19-Mar-16 Content of NFP websites 2/2 (August 2006) CYDZESFRGRILITJOLBMAMTPSPTTNTR Last updateCT 11/ 04 09/ 02 CT03/ 01 02/ 05 05/ 06 08/ 05 11/ 02 CT Access in ENXXXXXXXXXXXXX Access in FRXXXXXX Access in ARXXX Other language GRESGRITPTTR Organisation main site XXXXXXXXXXXX CT = Continuously updated The date on the home page is not always updated NFP have been asked for udpating their site at least once a year
4-Unité Technique du SEMIDE / EMWIS Technical Unit19-Mar-16 New developments on NFP websites Websites redesigned: Morocco, Turkey, Italy, Spain (2004) New sections Tunisia: launch of the English and Arabic versions Lebanon: Launch of the Arabic version Algeria, Cyprus, Malta and France New contents prepared but not yet published Lebanon: water legislation Israel: water context On going process of redesign of national websites: Jordan and Palestine