Social Studies Slide Show
THE OHIO MODEL Grade 4 by Brenda O’Reilly
Rational The six strands of the Ohio Model are addressed with a focus on Ohio. The past, the people, and the institutions are addressed. Connections can be made to the other forty-nine states as well as the rest of the world.
Instructional Objective Focus * American Heritage * People in Societies * World Interactions * Decision Making and Resources *Democratic Processes *Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
American Heritage
American Heritage Activities Have students make timelines of great events in Ohio’s history Students can learn about the Ohio Pioneers by linking to the Oregon Trail website. Have students choose a famous Ohioan and write a two- page report with one illustration. Have students write their own Ohio fact book (make paper and cover in the shape of Ohio). Using topographic maps, have students the path of the glacier, acknowledging the many levels of land.
American American Heritage Websites
People in Societies
Activities for People in Societies On individual Ohio maps, have students label where various cultural groups settled in Ohio. Have students create an eight slide power point show that indicates how various culture groups make their living. Write Ohio’s government to ask how they deal with the needs and demands of various culture groups. Have each student research and role play a famous Ohioan. With input and effort from the entire class, create a Venn diagram to contrast and compare various societies in Ohio.
Websites for People in Societies
World Interactions
Activities for World Interactions Create tables, charts, and graphs to compare climate, vegetation, and resources in Ohio with other locations. View a video tape that explains the interdependence of Ohio’s economy with nations around the world. View slides and discuss how the Ohio government deals with government in other nations. Have students choose any world location and write a contrast/comparison to Ohio. Have students point out on a map and describe Ohio’s location relative to other states and nations.
Websites for World Interactions ion=4http:// ion=4 igher_Education/Colleges_and_Universities/By_R egion/U_S_States/Ohio/
Decision Making and Resources
Activities for Decision Making and Resources Students will discover on maps where different resources are found. Students will choose and research a resource, then present it orally. Students will make a brochure about the advantages and disadvantages of specialization in the production process. Students will come up with a list of items that require numerous resources to compose, have them classify each resource by the factors of production. Give students an income amount to budget.
Websites for Decision Making and Resources subjectID=2&SubheadID=2&TopicID=56&Grade_Value= 2
Democratic Processes
Activities for Democratic Processes Students will go through the process of how a bill becomes a law. Students will make commercials to illustrate how the government promotes order and society. Students will participate in a mock senator debate. Students will write a letter to the Governor about any topic they choose. Students will get web pals and compare the similarities and differences in their democratic processes.
Websites for Democratic Processes tml
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities
Activities for Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Have students discuss the leaders of their town and state, collectively make a chart showing the duties each of these people do. Set up and carry out a mock voting event. Have the students write news articles on current issues then layout a newspaper from them. On a bulletin board, collaborate with students to make a fact and opinion web. At individual computers, have students research to find websites they can turn to in order to stay informed about current events.
Websites for Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities x.cfm
Conclusion The six-strand Ohio Model is designed to enhance the quality of social studies learning. All teachers should become familiar with the model and use it to guide them as they teach.