Searching Dr.Kannika Chukiatmun DDS.,MD.,MsIT 20 Feb 09 For KM in Clinical Dentistry _2
1. The big 4+1 (Browsers) Gecko engine –Mozilla, Firefox –Galeon –Epiphany –Camino (for MacOSX) Opera Web core engine (KHTML) –KDE group Konqueror –Apple Safari IE Google Chrome
Opera Speed dial Widgets Tools : ftp, note Page search – “.” BitTorrant support
Firefox Built-in “Smarter Search” from Google Context Search Ctrl+F Key word in Address bar Sage GooglePedia Drag and drop for bookmark Add-on speed dial
Googling!!! Now with it’s own browser – Goolgle chrome Cartoon google chrome : process-architecture.html Recommended for reading –The search –Goolgle hack series
2. Wiki… From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content, using a simplified markup language. Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. The collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best-known wikis. Wikis are used in business to provide intranet and Knowledge Management systems. Ward Cunningham, the developer of the first wiki software, WikiWikiWeb, originally described it as "the simplest online database that could possibly work“. "Wiki" (/wi ː ki ː /) is a Hawaiian word for "fast"[4]. "Wiki Wiki" is a reduplication. "Wiki" can be expanded as "What I Know Is", but this is a backronym.
3. Web feeds RSS Atom Newsreel “Information comes to you by subscription”
4. others Visual / Image search Audio search –Pandora 3B search (3D web browser) –SpaceTime (Firefox add-on) –Tianamo –Virtual earth / 3DVIA (Microsoft’s 3D web –
4. others Pervasive search “Search at the operating system level” “The enterprise search” (from file/folder mining to context mining?) Apple-Spotlight Information Retrieving